Y1 JTLYK 28 March
Dear parents and carers,
It has been a real treat to enjoy the outdoors at school this week as the weather has continued to be good. The children have been enjoying playing on the field where they can also mix with the other children from across the school.
In English, the children have been inventing their own versions of ‘When the Dragons Came!’ New names for the towns have included Wish Town, Volcanic Town, Imagination Town and Lovely Lego Town. The stories include lots of new characters, dragons and adventures. Ask your child if they can tell you all about their story.
In maths, we have been learning all about measuring the mass of small objects by using our balance scales. Practical maths activities are always such fun and the children learn by experimenting and exploring.
We have also been continuing to learn about numbers to 100. Playing games on paper or on an app using a 100 square is a great way to learn the numbers and to see the patterns. Try this resource if you would like a screen based activity or print out a 100 square below if you prefer your children to be screen-free.
Phonics and Tricky Words
Below are some tricky words to revisit and the final digraphs we are learning this term. Next week, we will begin to practise all the phonics we have learned so far in Year 1 in advance of the Phonics Screening Check which takes place in June. We will continue to send home details each week of the graphemes we are practising.
Tricky words
want, their, here, once, there,
- ‘ch’ as in school
- ‘ch’ as in chef
- ‘ze’ as in freeze
Useful Reminders
Next week we will be thinking about the Easter Story and will be taking part in lots of Easter activities.
On Monday 31st March we would like the Year 1 children to make their own Easter garden. If you are able to, please bring in the following materials so that they can make it at school.
Materials should be brought to school in a named carrier bag on Monday 31st morning please. Please feel free to bring as much or as little from the list below as you would like to.
Suggested materials for a lovely Easter Garden:
- A small recycled shallow tray, dish or lid. A foil tray or a plastic garden tray is ideal
- Small, bright, flowering bedding plants or plugs e.g. primroses, pansies, crocuses or daffodils
- Garden soil or potting compost
- Moss or sand
- Dried twigs
- Gravel
- Small stones or pebbles
A lovely aspect of this activity is that we share the resources brought in by the children so that everyone is able to make a garden. We would be very grateful if you are able to send in any extra flowers, trays etc. to help anyone that isn’t able to bring their own resources.
The children will bring their completed gardens home on Monday afternoon for you to enjoy at home. Thank you for all your contributions.
If you have any questions feel free to email us.
- Emma (Beech) on emmaw@htpd.surrey.sch.uk
- Emily (Oak) on emilyr@htpd.surrey.sch.uk
- Laura (Oak) on laurah@htpd.surrey.sch.uk
Thank you for all your support with our activities this term.
Best wishes,
The Year 1 Team