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News & Events

28 March 2025

Dear Parents and Carers 

There have been many examples of bringing learning to life this week, both in and out of school. Year 2 had an action packed day when they visited the Natural History Museum in London as part of their Dinosaurs Topic. They visited all the main areas in the museum but the highlights included seeing Mary Anning’s famous finds in the Marine Ocean Reptile area, winding through the main Dinosaur Exhibit, a very informative Stegosaurus Workshop and coming face-to-face with a life-sized model of a T-Rex. There was even the added bonus of birthday cake at lunch time to celebrate Dipa’s birthday. As always, the children were brilliantly behaved and great representatives for the school.  

Reception had a surprise visit this week - a bus from the past turned up in the infant school carpark! The children discussed the similarities and differences to a modern day bus and all climbed aboard to have a turn sitting in the driver's seat. The week’s surprises didn’t end there; on Thursday, Reception had another surprise visit - this time it was a sports car. The children were so excited! They asked lots of questions about how it works, loved sitting inside and watching the doors open upwards.  

Some staffing news, after 17 years of service to the school, Bev Reed, School Business Manager will be leaving HTPD and starting her ‘mini retirement’ in May. Bev has held many roles within the school and has seen the school through some really challenging times over the last few years. We would like to share our enormous thanks for her hard work and unwavering dedication to the school. We wish her all the best in her endeavours, after a very well-deserved break. We are delighted to announce the appointment of Danielle Bucket, an experienced School Business Manager, who will join us in mid-May.  

There is much to look forward to next week, the final week of the Spring Term. I am very much looking forward to the Guildford Primary Schools' Music Festival Concert at G Live on Monday evening. Our musicians have been working hard towards this event. A huge thank you to Lilja Helgadottir for co-ordinating this event and making it possible, not only for our children, but all the other local Guildford schools. Music within the school has gone from strength to strength; so much so that our choirs are now too big to accommodate everyone at the GLive event. We are very keen for everyone to have an opportunity to perform, so please do join us for our ‘Choir Showcase’ for parents at 14:45 in the HT Chapel on Wednesday afternoon. 

As we come towards the end of term, our thoughts turn to Easter. Tuesday will be our annual Pause Day and we’ll be celebrating Easter and the end of another successful term. Feel free to join us at Holy Trinity Church on Thursday morning for a whole school service. We’ll be walking down at 9.15 am to be ready to start at 9:45 am – do let your child’s class teacher know if you can help out.  

On Wednesday next week, children at the juniors are invited to bring in their entry for this year's ‘House Bake Off’. The theme this year is Easter. The competition is always a firm favourite among the children, not to mention the staff and house captains who have to judge the entries! If your child would like to take part, they can bring an individual, homemade cupcake or biscuit (no nuts) to show in a special house assembly, where the judging panel will celebrate their creativity and decide on the best bakes for their house. Winners will be announced in assembly on the last day of term. 

Next Thursday, we will be holding our annual Easter Garden competition for the juniors. Children are invited to bring in the things they need to make a special miniature garden that focuses on the Easter message. They may work in small groups and will need to organise and bring into school any equipment they might need. This will include a shallow dish (no bigger than a dinner plate), some soil (or sand), moss or grass, dried twigs, small flowers and a pot or egg cup for the tomb. The children will have the lunch break to put their garden together and prizes will be given out to the best gardens created. 

Remember that we finish for the Easter break at 1.30pm PD/ 1.45pm HT next Friday 4th April and we return for the summer term on Wednesday 23rd April.  

Best wishes,


Thought of the Week: Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. Where do you want to shine God’s light?


End of term: A reminder that term finishes at 1.30pm on Friday 4 April.

Teacher-led clubs will be running next week beginning 31 March.

Year 1, Wisley trip: A reminder that payments and consent are due by next Friday 4 April (via ParentPay).

Payments: As we approach our year-end, we would appreciate full payment of all outstanding monies showing on ParentPay, particularly for school dinners and the extended schools provision (Breakfast Club and Pups/Clubs+). We appreciate your support in this matter.

Menu: Week 3 beginning 17 March.


Dates for the Diary

  • Monday 31 March – 3G Swimming
  • Wednesday 31 March – Guildford Primary Schools Music Festival at GLive
  • Tuesday 1 April – Y6 St Martha’s Church Visit
  • Thursday 3 April – School Disco (please see ParentMail for ticket information)​​​​
  • Friday 4 April – End of Term - A reminder that term finishes at 1.45pm
  • Wednesday 23 April – Start of Summer Term 

Cancelled Clubs:

  • Tuesday 1 April – Y6 Netball Club
  • Wednesday 2 April – Y3 & Y4 Rugby Club

Book Groups: The Book Groups for 4B, 4SP, 3L and 3N meet next week. If your child is in any of these groups, please check ParentMail for the day.

Payments: As we approach our year-end, we would appreciate full payment of all outstanding monies showing on ParentPay, particularly for school dinners and the extended schools provision (Breakfast Club and Pups/Clubs+). We appreciate your support in this matter.

School Dinners: We have had to make the difficult decision to increase school dinners to £3.00 in the Spring Term due to inflationary pressures and the increase in the National Insurance rates, including lowering the threshold at which is paid. From 1st September, they will increase to £3.05

Menu: Week 3 beginning 17 March.


Tuesday 1 April 

  • Y5&6 Sportshall County Finals - Spectrum - PM. The team has been sent out on ParentMail.
  • Y6 Netball Club is cancelled.
  • Y4 Netball Tournament at St Joseph's - The team has been sent out on ParentMail

Summer Term Fixtures

Wednesday 22 April - Y4 Football Tournament at Weyfield. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.

Friday 25 April - Y6 Netball Tournament at Tormead. The team has been sent out on ParentMail.

Tuesday 29 April - Y5 Football Tournament at HT. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.

Thursday 1 May - Y3&4 XC at Boxgrove. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.



Hop little bunnies!

On Friday 4th April, all the children will be invited to take part in a bunny hop obstacle course to celebrate the beginning of the Easter Holidays.

It will be a simple but fun challenge with a prize and certificate given to each child at the end. Children can wear bunny ears, a mask or an Easter bonnet while completing their laps. We would love for you to sponsor your bunny and help us to raise funds towards new art aprons and other craft supplies for the school – every contribution is much appreciated!

You can donate a one-off amount or, for the more competitive bunnies, sponsor per lap. Donations can be made here or by cash at the PD school office, by the end of April. Please see ParentMail for more details.


School Fun Run Fundraiser

Don't forget to enter our races and join us on June 7th 1-4pm at Shalford Park for the Toddler Dash, 1km (PD), 2km (HT) or 5km (parents, carers & teachers). All ages & abilities are welcome. Register here!

There will be even more fun on the day with prizes and race village activities, including games, ice cream & pizza vans and a bouncy castle. Check out ParentMail for more details.

Please let us know if you can volunteer on the day – we need marshals, stall hosts and someone to announce each race. Email if you can help.

Curry & Quiz Night Results

Congratulations to 'Chat HTP', the winning team of this year's Curry & Quiz fundraiser!

We'd also like to say a huge thank you to Geraldine's husband and daughter, Michael and Becky, for once again hosting a fantastic quiz, and to everyone who took part – the evening raised just over £1,930 for the schools!

We hope you enjoyed it too and look forward to another chance of winning next year.

Thanks for your support!


  • Mothering Sunday at Holy Trinity Church – see flyer
  • Easter Crafternoon at St Saviour’s Church, 10 April – see flyer
  • Art Adventures at West Horsley Place, 15 April – see flyer
  • Surrey Hills Spring Fair, 5 & 6 April – see flyer
  • Horsley and Send Mini’s Cricket – see flyer