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YR JTLYK 21 March

Dear Parents,

We have been busy this week with our Transport topic and have also investigated sinking and floating as well as discovering which objects are magnetic or not. We have some frogspawn in a tank and are observing it daily to note any changes. We enjoyed baking ‘traffic light’ biscuits on Wednesday and practised crossing the road safely (using the Green Cross Code) on the way to the Wild Place.

Easter Service

On Thursday 3rd April we will be walking to Holy Trinity Church for an Easter service. If you are free and can walk with us, please contact Beccy or Hayley. We will be leaving at 9ish and returning at around 11. Thank you!


Please continue to practise all the phonemes and ‘Tricky words’. Please let us know if you need another list of the words we have learned.

Wild Place Reception: Wild Place Spring Term Sign-Up

Dates for your diary

  • 21st March - Wild Place
  • 1st April - Pause Day
  • 3rd April - Easter service (Holy Trinity Church)
  • 4th April - End of Spring term (1.30pm finish)

Things we need:

As the weather starts getting warmer, we are going to be setting up a planting station outside. As you buy compost for your gardens, please consider donating a bag (or more!) of peat-free compost to Reception. Thank you so much!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception team.