Y4 JTLYK 21 March
Another busy week in Year 4!
We hope you have had the chance to talk with your child about their ‘crazy invention’? Two more weekends to go before it needs to be in school on Monday 31st March! Also, we need old t-shirts (ones that you would normally recycle) next week to make our DT sewing projects. Please send one in if you have one!
In preparation for our exhibition, the children have begun to design their posters to persuade you to buy one of their useless contraptions! They have looked at slogans, logos and the features of advertising material. Soon, they will revise their persuasive writing techniques to sway the reader to make a purchase! These will be on display alongside their inventions on the 31st.
Spellings to learn this week are:
question, information, option, nation, migration, solution, population, addition, suggestion, interpretation.
We will check these on 24th March.
We have begun to extend our knowledge of fractions this week. We began by discovering what ‘one whole’ looks like. After that, we learnt that an INTEGER is a whole number and a MIXED NUMBER is a whole number and a fraction eg 2 ¾. Next, we looked at how to partition a mixed number (into the whole number and the fraction) and today the children enjoyed learning how to place mixed numbers on a number line, taking care to use the designated interval.
TT Rockstars
4B took the honours this week but the latest competition between the Year 4 classes is live! Please help your child to log on and play for 10 minutes to win the trophy this week. All this whilst learning times tables in a fun way.
Here is another website to help make their times table learning fun!
This week we picked up where we left Britain in the autumn term – the Romans were leaving in 410AD. We then used the History skill of Cause and Consequence’ to consider the reasons and effects of the Anglo Saxon migration to Britannia. Was it an invasion? What were the reasons? Does your child remember them …? We followed up learning about the consequences of the invasion being the formation of the country of England! We talked about King Alfred the Great (and why he was so great) and also of his grandson King Aethelstan (and why wasn’t he called ‘Great’ too?!). The children made posters to make the case to the Government to rename him King Aethelstan the Great – see if your child can tell you why he should be!
We also used our skills with evidence to decide who the elaborate burial mound at Sutton Hoo was made for. We were history detectives, sifting through the artefacts to come to a conclusion about the most likely candidate. Ask your child if they can remember this king’s name.
Following our learning about Communion, the children heard more about The Last Supper of Jesus. We focused on what He said and what He did at that time. The children were asked to respond to the questions, ‘What is Communion?’ and, ‘What did Jesus ask His followers to do until his return?’ Ask your child to explain what they think.
The children practised dribbling and shooting this week in our football lesson. They had to try very hard to be slow and accurate!