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Y6 JTLYK 21 March

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We would like to wish Ramadan Mubarak to all our families observing the holy month of Ramadan. 

Additionally, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday 27th March for our Year 6 Parents Meeting covering all there is to know about summer term—it will be starting at 6pm in the Chapel. 

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Danni, Jo, Kathryn, Julia and Tom


We have been learning about the stories from ‘One Thousand and One Arabian Nights’. We have identified the characters, themes and settings of Arabian Nights stories, making comparisons with western fairy tales. In groups, we created our own mini Arabian Nights story including authentic features and language, and performed them to our classes.


Continuing our study of shape, we have been working on finding the area of triangles and parallelograms this week, among other things. Our minds were blown when we realised that a triangle is half of a square or a rectangle, so the formula is the same as quadrilaterals but divided by 2! We also discovered that a parallelogram takes up the same amount of space as a rectangle, therefore the formula is the same. 

Ask your child to work out the area of these shapes.



RE & History

Year 6 started their Islam RE topic this week. 

In RE, we have learnt about the 99 names for Allah, as well as the 5 pillars of Islam: Shahadah, Salah, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj. We considered how the practices of the Five Pillars structure Islam and the daily lives of Muslims, as well as discussing which we thought would be the most demanding and why. 

In our history lessons, we have been learning about the Round City of Baghdad and The Golden Age of Islam. The children investigated historical resources and found out more about it and why its legacy is so important today!

Coming Up

Helper Plea - Easter Pause Day – Tuesday 1st April  

On Tuesday 1st April as part of our Easter celebrations, Year 6 will be walking to St Martha’s Church. Once we arrive at the church, the children will be learning about the Easter story.  

We need some walking volunteers to join us. We will be leaving school at around 9am and will be back by 12. We are hoping that the beautiful spring sunshine will be back by then and it will be a fantastic morning. 

Helper Plea – Easter Church Service – Thursday 3rd April  

We need some walking volunteers to support us in the walk down to Holy Trinity Church on Thursday 3rd April. Please email your class teacher if you are available.  

Summer Term Briefing – Thursday 27th March 6-7:30pm   

An evening of information about: KS2 SATs, including how to support your child with maths; Preston Montford residential trip and all upcoming events and trips in the summer term. 


Baffling Bodies project 

Your child needs to answer 10 of their own questions about the human body using non-fiction books and websites to find things out. Present the information creatively and remember to include pictures and diagrams. 

Due in: Monday 31st March  


Please make sure your child practises their spellings throughout the week. 

explanation, conscience, sufficient, confidential, essential, partial, adaptation, beneficial, foolishness, profession. 

We will test these on 24th March.