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Y3 JTLYK 21 March

Dear Parents and Carers, 

What a great week we have had in Year 3. The children have been working hard on their news reports and have written them into fantastic newspaper articles. In maths, we have continued looking at fractions with a particular focus on fractions on a number line. Please see the example below.


In Geography, we have been learning about the famous Pacific Ring of Fire which is home to three-quarters of the world’s most active volcanoes.  

Next week we hope to start building our model volcanoes ready to show you in the final week of term. We could still do with a few more bottles, newspapers and toothpaste-style boxes if you have any available.

Best wishes, 
The Year 3 Team  


morning, entire, sign, annual, signal, bond, anniversary, design  

This week we are looking at the phoneme /n/ as in never. Please talk to your child about the meaning of these words and if you would like to adapt them too and practise easier spellings with the /n/ phoneme, please do!



Follow the link to Léon le Caméléon song: