JTLYK 14 February
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a great end to a really lovely half term learning about Ancient Greece. We look forward to starting our Volcanoes Topic next term, do check your child’s bag for potential library books about this topic as Geraldine did encourage children to look in the volcanoes and mountains area of our library!
Just a polite reminder that we sent a ParentPay link out to help us cover some of the costs for our Greek Day last Friday, thank you to those of you who have contributed the £1 already.
The children presented their persuasive writing so well and it was great to see them sharing their work and use persuasive techniques to put forward their arguments to others. We did this across the year group and everyone was very brave!
In maths, we delved deeper into the world of measurement, focusing on the conversion between different units and solving addition and subtraction problems involving measurement. We ended the week by learning about perimeter and how to measure perimeter on a range of 2d shapes.
Please do continue to ensure that your child is confident in using millimetres, centimetres, metres, and kilometres, the importance of knowing that 10 millimetres make a centimetre, 100 centimetres form a meter, and 1000 meters constitute a kilometre. Being confident in using the 10 times tables and the corresponding division facts, is very important when converting between these units of measurement too.
We finished our history learning about Alexander the Great and how influential he was. We were really impressed with how the children recalled lots of the facts about why he is such a significant leader. Be sure to ask your children about him!
Best wishes, The Year 3 Team
Fluffy Friday
Fluffy Friday was as brilliant as ever and we saw so many more children choosing to take risks and try something new this term.
This week’s spellings:
Increase, acute, chorus, peculiar, chemist, unique
Challenge: occasion, antique
This week we are looking at the phoneme /k/ as in kicking.
Important reminders
Parents Consultations on the 4&6 March.