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News & Events

7 February 2025

Dear Parents/Carers

It’s been a busy week, ‘Learning to Live’.  

House Poetry at the infants was wonderful this week. Many children from each class participated and several reception children bravely joined in too! The children performed a range of poems; from nature poems and funny rhymes to original acrostics and riddles. Very well done to everyone who joined in and shared their poems. Please do look at Tapestry to see a few photos of this exciting house event. Well done, too, to all the children who have been enjoying poems this term but decided they weren’t quite ready yet to read them to such a big audience – there’s always next year!  

Meanwhile, at the juniors, Year 6 had a very special visitor – Clare Brunet returned to school to demonstrate a sheep’s heart dissection as part of their Wonderful Life Topic. They were fascinated and asked brilliant questions. Year 3 finished the week with an Ancient Greek Day to really immerse the children in the learning for their current topic. The children and staff looked brilliant dressed up for the occasion. They got a real feel for the differences between how we live today compared to how the ancient Greeks lived, as well as reinforcing their understanding of just how forward-thinking the ancient Greeks were. They had a taste of the Olympics, the foods that were eaten and drama too. 

Sadly, there’s been a couple of sport fixture cancellations this week; but the year 5 football team had their first fixture of the season on Tuesday away at Boxgrove. The boys played brilliantly as a team and despite a losing scoreline represented the school really well. The girls also enjoyed playing netball at Burpham Primary. 

The Year 6 Sports Crew have been working towards their Silver Badge. On Monday, they visited the infants and delivered 3 different games to Beech Class, which focused on teamwork, agility and skills. Everyone had lots of fun and the Year 1 children gave the Sports Crew some fantastic feedback. 

Remember that next Friday is our second Fluffy of the year. We’re all excited to see so many imaginative activities on offer! Please remember to send in £1 on the day (or make a payment on Parentpay) so that we can keep this running each term. 

It was wonderful to see the blue sky at times this week. Despite a few cold starts, the beauty of the school’s location on these cold, crisp days really does capture ‘heaven in the moment’ for me. Let’s hope there’s more of these bright days to come as the days slowly lengthen. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Thought of the Week: Love is not jealous – are you content to be yourself?

Whole School

  • Friday 14 February - Fluffy Friday 
  • Monday 17 – Friday 21 February - Half Term Holiday
  • Monday 24 February – Children back to school


Fluffy Friday, 14 February

A reminder that children can wear their own (home) clothes to school next Friday. We are requesting a £1 donation to help cover the cost of materials; this can also be paid via ParentPay. Teachers will let children know which activity they are doing next week.

Lost Property

Please have a look in the lost property box (outside the lower entrance) if your child has mislaid any of their uniform.

Spare socks and pants

If you have any outgrown girls or boys pants, socks or tights we could make good use of them.  Please also return any clothes which your child might have borrowed.

Menu: Week 3 beginning 10 February


Dates for the Diary

  • Monday 10 February – 3G swimming
  • Wednesday 12th February – 4SP swimming
  • Tuesday 11 & Thursday 13 February – 4B and 6J Parents Evening Meetings
  • Tuesday 4 & Thursday 6 March* - HT Parents Evening Meetings for all classes, other than 4B and 6J – Information to follow soon by ParentMail

*Please note there will be no teacher-led clubs during Parents Evening week 3-7 March*

Cancelled Clubs

  • After Half Term - No more Y3 Volleyball on a Monday with Paul
  • Monday 10 February – Y5 Netball Club
  • Tuesday 11 February – Y5 and Y6 Football Club
  • Friday 14 February – Y4 Netball Club

Menu: Week 3 beginning 10 February


Monday 10 February -Y5 Netball Tournament at St Cat's. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail. Y5 Netball Club is cancelled.

Tuesday 11 February - Y5 Football v QE - HOME. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.

Thursday 13 February - Y5&6 Sportshall - Spectrum - AM. The team will be sent out on ParentMail

Friday 14 February - Y4 Netball Club is cancelled due to Bertha being on site after Fluffy Friday.

After half term:

Thursday 27 February - Y6 Netball V Tormead - AWAY. The teams will be sent out on ParentMail.

W/C 3rd March - Parent Consultation week. All teacher led clubs cancelled.

Monday 3 March - Y5 Netball v QE - HOME. The teams will be sent out on ParentMail.

Tuesday 4 March - Y3 & Y4 Sportshall - Spectrum - AM. The teams will be sent out on ParentMail.

Thursday 6 March - Y4 Netball v Tormead - AWAY. The teams will be sent out on ParentMail.

Friday 7 March - Y4 Netball Tournament at St Cat's - 1-4pm. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.



Save the dates!

  • Curry and Quiz night - Saturday 22nd March. Tickets on sale next week!
  • Sponsored read - Half term and up to 7th March. Details to follow next week.
  • Book sale after school - Friday 7th March. Bring cash.


Doughnut Sale - Friday 14 February in the HT lower playground. 

  • Everything £1 - cash only please. 
  • All proceeds go towards year 6 leavers fundraising. Thanks so much for your support.

Saturday 22 March - Save the date for PTA Curry and Quiz night. Tickets on sale next week!
