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JTLYK 7 February

Dear Parents,  

This week we have continued our Space learning. The children had good fun watching the reaction of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to make ‘fizzing stars’. On Tuesday we discussed star constellations and the children had a go at making their own constellation and naming it. We also revisited the story ‘Whatever Next’ and the children had the opportunity to change a character, the setting and the activities before retelling the story.

On Tuesday 11th February we are going to the Spectrum for Sportshall. Please send your child to school in PE kit including comfortable trainers. (PE kits were sent home yesterday and can be returned next half term). The children will also need their water bottle and a warm coat. The coaches will be leaving at 9.15am and we will return to school in time for the children to have their lunch.


Yesterday we sent home a Little Wandle Letters and Sounds grapheme mat. We would like the children to become more confident with matching the phonemes to the graphemes. A fun game to play would be for the adult to call out a digraph/trigraph and the child to find it on the mat as a quickly as possible. Can they be faster the next time?

House Poetry

Well done to those children who took part in the House Poetry event. We all enjoyed listening to the poems and some Reception children even got chosen to do their poem in a whole school assembly today.

Wild Place

There will be no Wild Place next week as it is Fluffy Friday but if you are able to help out next half term please sign up. Reception: Wild Place Spring Term Sign Up

Dates for your diary

  • Tuesday 11 February – Sportshall 
  • Friday 14 February – Fluffy Friday 
  • 17–21 February – Half Term break
  • 4&6 March – Parent/Teacher consultations

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception team.