JTLYK 10 January
Dear parents and carers,
We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break! It is great to back in school starting a new term.
This half term our new topic is Terrific Tales, we will be looking at lots of fairy tales, in particular The Gingerbread Man. We will be making puppets or cushions in DT and we will learn joining techniques, focusing particularly on sewing. In science, we will be studying animals, learning the 6 animal types and examining their specific traits.
If you have any pets please email or upload to Tapestry images of them as we will share these in class and see how many different animal types we have in Year 1!
Your child will have been sent home with a letter in their bag, both before Christmas and this week, which has their Numbots username and password on. Numbots is an app you can download onto your iPad or tablet, or log into on a desktop computer. It helps the children to practice maths in a fun and more appealing way at home!
We jumped straight back into phonics this week and have learnt 4 new sounds already!
Here are the new tricky words and graphemes we have learnt this term. Please practise them if you get a chance.
Tricky words
- any
- many
- again
- ‘y’ as in happy and funny
- ‘ea’ as in head
- ‘wh’ as in wheel
- ‘oe’ as in toe
- ‘ou’ as in shoulder
Useful reminders
Please bring in your PE kit for this half term.
Oak class parents
Just a small plea for help: we don’t currently have an Oak class parent rep and the Beech class reps are kindly helping out with Oak class as well. If anyone is able to take on this role we would be very grateful. We very rarely need to ask for help, but occasionally it is really helpful to have a contact. Thank you in advance.
If you have any questions feel free to email us.
- Emma (Beech) on emmaw@htpd.surrey.sch.uk
- Emily (Oak) on emilyr@htpd.surrey.sch.uk
- Laura (Oak) on laurah@htpd.surrey.sch.uk
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team