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JTLYK 15 November

Dear Parents and Carers 

This week the children have been learning all about Roman villas in maths, English AND History!  We also began our Christmas art project for Guildford Cathedral.  The collaborative display based on ‘Light, Hope and Love’ will join other schools’ projects over the Christmas period.  Details to follow soon on how you can visit and admire!


Building on our powers of persuasion that we learnt last week, the children wrote as Roman estate agents to sell their very desirable villas.  In SPaG we practised using possessive apostrophes to show that something belongs to several, or just one, person or thing.  See if your child can remember the golden rule of using a possessive apostrophe!


Before making the plans of our Roman villas and working out their perimeter and area, the children looked at how to measure compound shapes.  They learned how to look for regular shapes within the compound shapes before finding the perimeter and area measurements, then adding them together.

Times Tables

We have been learning the 7x tables this week and have recorded them in our blue books.  Please make sure these come in to school each day in your child’s backpack.  Please help your child to log on to take part in this week’s TT Rockstar challenge! 



TT Rockstars


And try this website for some fun activities.



This week, we have been studying the short ‘o’ sound and all its representations. The children have a sticker in their Spelling Journals but here are the words for this week:

often, possible, probably, construct, promise, opposite, moral, priority, wander, knowledge

Remember, Tracey’s group do not have to learn the class spellings.


This week the children have learned how to open and save a new Word document.  They also typed a funny sentence into a text box and used ‘insert shapes’ to make a simple picture of a house. 


The children were really interested in talking about their self-esteem this week.  We talked about what things make us happy and what makes a strong character. 


Continuing our netball skills, the children practised using the different throws such as bounce, chest, overarm and shoulder.  We also started to think about defending and intercepting.  In gym, Ben’s class continued learning how to use gymnastic shapes whilst Sheena’s class enjoyed Roman soldier movements in pairs and groups. 


The children were fascinated to why the Romans wanted to invade Britain.  They learned about all the things that Romans gave us such as strong, straight roads, the written word and cabbages!    We looked at how they lived in new towns with baths, law courts, town halls, market places and amphitheatres.  Roman technology was a bit of an eye-opener – underfloor heating, pipes for fresh water, toilets and cement were just a few things that we still use today!