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JTLYK 15 November

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been an excellent week in school. The children enjoyed having the RGS students helping out in their PE lessons on Friday.

Have a great weekend,

Danni, Jo, Kathryn, Julia, Catherine and Mark.


Our English this week has been inspired by a range of pioneering explorers – Matthew Henson, Dwayne Fields and Christina Koch. Whilst learning about these adventurers the children improved their use of commas, understood main and sub clauses and then used subordinating conjunctions.


We have continued to work on using the written method of long division, and then have applied our knowledge to solve a variety of word problems.

Coming up


Rehearsals continue this week. Please remind your child to check the schedule on the Year 6 notice board (outside 6K’s classroom) for when they are needed.



This week, we have been recapping the short ‘u’ sound and how it is represented in letters.

floodplain, interrupt, thorough, sufficient, courage, money, encourage, wonder, country, suspicious

Learn these ready for a quiz on Monday 18 November.

Homework Project

This is a gentle reminder that the children should be working on their Adaptations Project.

They are due in on Monday 25 November.

We are decreasing the homework each week. This week, there was no SPAG homework. The children should use this extra time to work on their projects.

