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News & Events

18 October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers, 

The biblical rain didn’t stop HTPD on Monday. Ten children from Years 3 and 4 enjoyed a special visit to Watts Gallery Artist's Village. They spent the day with author and illustrator Jonny Duddle learning how to draw creatures and characters from his books, including dinosaurs from Giganotosaurus and Dobbie from the Harry Potter books. The children came back buzzing and full of inspiration.  It was an amazing day provided by Guildford Book Festival in collaboration with the Surrey Learning Partnership. Also on Monday, Year 5 visited the Tower of London on the banks of the River Thames. While there, they discovered the various uses of the tower during its long history, met with ravens and the Yeoman Warders or 'Beefeaters' and even saw the crown jewels! They also brought their recent history lessons to life by visiting the 'Bloody Tower' where King Richard's nephews, the so-called 'Princes in the Tower', were held before their mysterious disappearance. The children had a fantastic time and represented the school brilliantly.   

It has been another busy week of sport with netball fixtures and on Thursday two groups of children took part in the Guildford Primary Schools Panathlon competition held at the Spectrum. The Primary Panathlon is a team competition that builds on foundation skills in a range of Panathlon sports such as Boccia, Table Cricket, Kurling and Skittles. The emphasis is on working in a team and taking part in a fun and friendly environment. The competition is a great opportunity for those who are less confident or, at times, reluctant to participate in competitive sport to take part in an inclusive environment.  

It’s been my first Fluffy Friday of the year which has been very exciting!  I’ve enjoyed wandering around the different activities from a variety of arts and crafts to football, cup stacking, Harry Potter and Diamond Hunt.....I’m still not sure what they found in their digging! I loved seeing children mixing in new groups, trying out new things and absolutely ‘Learning to Live’!    

I have been forwarded this message of thanks from the North Guildford Food Bank. ‘We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and to all of Holy Trinity Pewley Down School for the wonderful Harvest donations that were dropped down to us. It was such a large and generous amount, and we are ever so grateful as will our clients be! Please pass on our thanks and warmest wishes to everyone at Holy Trinity Pewley Down School. It's donors like you that help us continue to provide help to all those who need it in Guildford! Many thanks again for all that you do, North Guildford Food Bank.’ 

Unfortunately, we have had another near miss on a local road. Thankfully, no one was hurt but please take extra care when driving in the surrounding area and keep your speed down. I have also been contacted by several local residents who are understandably upset that their driveways are frequently being blocked by parents at drop off and pick up. We understand the roads are very busy at these times; however, please be respectful of our local community too. I have now heard that Surrey County Council will be conducting a road safety audit. They are happy to meet with me and a small group of parent representatives once the results of this are collated. I have also been notified that, at the request of local residents, an improvement will be made at the junction of Jenner Road and Harvey Road to improve the safety of pedestrians. This will widen the pavement at the junction, prevent cars turning right out of Pewley Way (which happens a lot) and out of Mount Alvernia. This is due to be implemented in the first quarter of 2025. 

I know everyone is delighted to be back at Pewley; however, the two site drop off can pose a challenge first thing in the morning. School starts at 08:30 for the infants and is currently staggered at 08:35 for Years 3 and 4 and 08:40 for Years 5 and 6, which is a legacy from the covid bubbles. In reality, the staggered start and finish at the juniors is not noticeable. After half term, all juniors will have a start time of 08:40 and finish time of 15:15. Gates will still be open from 08:30, so in practice, we do not envisage you noticing a significant change but for those dropping off at both the infants and juniors, there is an additional 5 minute window to alleviate the stress of walking up the hill. Please remember that breakfast club is available from 8am each day, at both sites. This is a drop-in service, there is no need to book.  

Remember that next week we close on Wednesday 23rd at 13:15 at Pewley, and 13.30 at HT. As a staff we will be working together over the two and a half INSET days on supporting children with English as an Additional Language, providing a really exciting science curriculum that promotes working scientifically, as well as working in staff teams to launch some exciting action research projects on areas that are a focus for the whole school. We’re looking forward to it! And then, it will be the half term break. I wish you and your families a lovely time together – and we’ll see you all again on Monday 4 November for a jam-packed second half of the Autumn term.  Thank you for being so welcoming of me and for your partnership so far this year – it’s been a great start! 

Thought of the week: Perfect loves casts out all fear. 


  • Wednesday 23 October – Early Finish PD pick-up at 1.15pm, HT pick-up at 1.30pm
  • Thursday 24 and Friday 25 October – INSET days
  • Monday 28 October – Friday 1 November – Half term holidays
  • Monday 4 November – Children back to school

Important Notice for Y6 parents re Year 7 Secondary Applications
This is a reminder to the parents and carers of Year 6 children that applications for secondary schools close on Thursday 31 October 2024.  It is vital that you submit your application on or before this date.  Please note that on-line applications are preferred by SCC, and e-Admissions forms together with further information are available on their website

Should you require a hard copy, please e-mail or telephone 0300 200 1004. Paper copies should be returned directly to Surrey County Council.


Tempest Photo Orders

The deadline for photo orders is next Monday, 21 November. You can either order online or return the order form with payment to the school office.

Parent Consultation Meetings, 12 & 14 November

Information about the Parent Consultation meetings will go out this evening via ParentMail. The on-line booking system will be live on Monday evening.

Menu: Week 2 beginning 21 October


Dates for the diary

  • Monday 21st October – 3N Swimming
  • Wednesday 23 October – No swimming for 4SJ
  • Parents Evening Consultations Tuesday 5 November (18:00 – 20:30) and Thursday 7 November (16:00 – 18:30)  

There are some club updates for after half term. Please visit the clubs page.

Most teacher led clubs before and after school will be cancelled in Parents evening week as follows:.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 

Y3&4 Mindfulness

Y6 Drama

Y5 Netball

Advanced Chess (Book Week)

Y5 Boys & Girls Football

Y6 Netball

Beginners Chess (Book Week)

Early morning Running Club

Y5&6 Card Games

Y3&4 Dance Club

Y3 Boys & Girls Football

Y4 Netball

Thursday 21 November - Influenza (flu) vaccinations via nasal spray.  Please complete the e-consent form by 4pm Friday 15 November, by visiting: and entering your school’s unique code SR125288 . If you do not want your child to receive a vaccine, then please fill in the ‘No’ box.  Please see the ParentMail dated 11/09/2024 for details.

Menu: Week 2 beginning 21 October and Week 3 beginning 4 November

Sports Fixtures:

Monday 21 October - Y5 Netball v QE - AWAY. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail.

Wednesday 6 November -Y6 Netball v Tormead - AWAY. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.

Friday 8 November

  • Y6 Guildford Primary Schools Football Tournament - AWAY. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.
  • Y5 Netball v St Cat's - AWAY - The teams will be sent out on ParentMail.



Glow Disco - Pewley Down Site

  1. Hi everyone! We’re really excited to announce the Glow Disco is back! Here are a few things you need to know:
  2. The disco will run from 5-6.30pm.
  3. There will be music and group party-style games.
  4. Children can glam themselves or each other up, by using the free ‘Glow & Glam-up station’ which will be stocked up with glow tattoos, UV and glitter face paints, plus UV hair mascara!
  5. A paid bar will be there for adults and extra soft drinks for kids, plus a small selection of snacks will also be on offer.
  6. Tickets will be £8 for a child (including a hot dog and cup of squash on arrival for the children) and £2 for an adult. The disco is open to Pewley pupils only. Maximum 1 adult allowed with each child. We only have capacity for 215 people, so if you can organise to send your child with another adult, that would help free up space.

All the money raised will go towards school renovations and resources for the children.

*Parent actions*

  • Tickets can be bought via this link, Please ensure your tickets are printed out or accessible on a mobile device so they can be scanned on entry to the disco.
  • Please confirm any dietary requirements when ordering your tickets online. This is to ensure that we buy the correct food quantities ahead of the disco.
  • We want everyone to be part of the disco, so if the ticket is outside of your price range, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. This will of course be treated confidentially.
  • We will be holding a mini raffle on the day and are looking out for donations – so if you have any gifts or freebies you can offer, we would really appreciate them please.
  • We really need parent helpers to run the event and will be sending out a sign up sheet with hourly slots, please sign up to help the event run smoothly.
  • If you have any UV lights, disco lights or disco balls you could lend us for the night it would be much appreciated.

If you have any questions then please do speak to either of us in the playground or leave a message with the office.

Have a great weekend! Claire Poulson & Lauren Prosser x


If you’re interested in helping out, either with events or with some more home-based fundraising, please do get in touch. You can email, or reach out to your class rep who will pass on your details.

One of the simple fundraising ideas which we can all do straight away is to order name labels through Stickins. By using the fundraising code 35714, HTSC will receive 30% commission on your order. Keep an eye out in your child’s bag for a leaflet containing all this info as well. 

We’re also registered with easyfundraising, which means that over 7,000 brands will now donate to us for FREE if you use easyfundraising to shop with them. It’s easy to sign up, then find your favourite stores and shop away as usual whilst HTSC earns a commission. You can access our portal at

Finally, the date for the upcoming DT Evening has changed to Thursday 21 November.

Thank you, and happy shopping!

HTSC committee (Cristina, Catherine and Paul)


See flyers below:

  • Tormead Sport - Free football sessions for girls Y4-6 
  • Light Party at St Saviour’s on 31 October
  • Families First Guildford
  • Pop-up Café at St Mary’s