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JTLYK 18 October

Dear Parents,

The children really enjoyed the different FLUFFY activities they took part in today, including making sandwiches, clay decorations, climbing wall games and outdoor adventures.

Thank you for coming to Stay and Play. We hope you found it useful and enjoyed seeing our learning environments and how well your child has settled in.

Naming school items...

Please spend some time this half term making sure that everything has a name on, including water bottles. If something is not named and it gets lost then we won’t be able to get it back to you! PE kits will come home over half term for a wash and this is a great opportunity to check that all items in PE bags are labelled – including the bag itself. Please send them back on Monday 4th November.

Here are some things you could be doing with your child at home…

Please continue to check out Tapestry for daily videos from Jo and Hayley. If you search #phonics you’ll find all the videos!

Yesterday your child will have come home with a sheet of this week’s phonemes.

The sounds for this week are ‘h,’ ‘b’, ‘f’, and ‘l’.

Please practise them together. You could cut them up and stick them around the house, then go for a hunt to find them. When you find them, say the sound!

We have also started blending sounds to make words with the children. Blending is an important skill when reading. Here are a few oral blending games you may enjoy playing with your child. (Make sure you are saying the phonetic sounds and not the letter names)

What sound does : a s-n-ai-k (snake) make? a f-r-o-g make? a d-u-ck make? a c-a-t make? Can you do the actions? r-ea-ch up high, stand on one l-e-g, h-o-p, m-ar-ch like the Grand Old Duke of York.

This week’s tricky word is ‘the’.

This week we have been spotting and discussing autumn and the changes we are seeing.


One thing you could do this weekend is leaf rubbing. You’ll need an interesting leaf, paper and pencil/crayon. Place the leaf underneath the paper and shade on the paper over the leaf. You could do this with several different leaves of different shapes and sizes.

You could go on an autumn walk—What do you see? What can you smell? What do you hear?


Can you find some coloured leaves, conkers, pine cones, twigs/sticks? Can you make collections of 1, 2, 3 and 4.



Yayoi Kusama

After half term we will be learning about the artist Yayoi Kusama. She liked to dot paint on pumpkins. We would like to recreate art in her style. If you could kindly donate pumpkins or squashes, we would greatly appreciate them during the week commencing Monday 4th November. Thank you so much!

Dates for your diary

  • 23rd October—Early closure at 1.15pm
  • 24th October—INSET (NO school)
  • 25th October—INSET (NO school)
  • 28th October – 1st November - Half Term
  • 4th November – Back to school

Just a reminder that school will be closing early on Wednesday 23rd October. Please pick your child up at 1.15pm.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception team.