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News & Events

11 October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Thank you so much for your wonderful generosity this week! Your donations will be taken to the North Guildford Foodbank on Monday. It was great to celebrate Harvest at both sites, with such an astonishing gift for the food bank and an ever-growing contribution to the charity Home Start, Guildford who supports parents in our local area who have at least one child under 5 years and who are dealing with issues such as isolation, poor mental health, sickness, disability, domestic abuse and difficult relationships to “embrace the future with hope and confidence”. This fund will stay open on Parentpay over the weekend if you haven’t yet had time to log in.  

Yesterday, Year 3 benefited from a super trip visiting three different churches in Guildford, comparing the buildings and stories told in each, as well as completing some art and craft activities. We really are blessed with what we have on our doorstep. 

For those of you with children in the juniors, you may have heard that our need for buckets indoors has worsened with the unprecedented rain we have had this half term. I am delighted to announce that works on a temporary fix are due to commence as soon as there is a break in the weather. This will keep us water-tight until the roof can be fully replaced in the summer. On the subject of weather, we love being outdoors and do our best to get fresh air daily at break, lunch and during our outdoor learning sessions – a bit of drizzle doesn’t stop us. Please ensure your child has a named coat with them in school each day. 

A note about after school clubs and Clubs+ arrangements, the playground and path gate at the junior school will be locked at 15:30. The playground gate (not path) will be opened to dismiss clubs between 16:15-16:30. If you are late picking your child up, please collect them from the school office. Some older children are asked to walk to various points on Pewley Way to be collected, please be mindful that once the clocks change it will be getting dark and there is not a staff member supervising on the driveway at this time. 

Next week is a busy week with the Year 5 visiting The Tower of London on Monday, Reception Stay and Play from 14:15 on Friday and, of course, the much anticipated first Fluffy Friday of the academic year. The children are aware of the activity they are participating in, I hope they are as excited about the day as the staff are!  We do ask that you send in £1 to cover the extra costs of putting this day together; you can also pay on Parentpay.  

Have a wonderful weekend. 


Thought of the Week: “The joy of the Lord is our strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) Where do you find joy? Do you find joy in helping others? 


  • Wednesday 23 October – Early Finish PD pick-up at 1.15pm, HT pick-up at 1.30pm
  • Thursday 24 and Friday 25 October – INSET days
  • Monday 28 October – Friday 1 November – Half term holidays
  • Monday 4 November – Children back to school

Important Notice for Y6 parents re Year 7 Secondary Applications
This is a reminder to the parents and carers of Year 6 children that applications for secondary schools close on Tuesday 31st October 2024.  It is vital that you submit your application on or before this date.  Please note that on-line applications are preferred by SCC, and e-Admissions forms together with further information are available on their website

Should you require a hard copy, please e-mail or telephone 0300 200 1004. Paper copies should be returned directly to Surrey County Council.


Fluffy Friday, 18 October, Years 1 and 2

A reminder that children can wear their own (home) clothes to school next Friday. We are requesting a £1 donation to help cover the cost of materials; this can also be paid via ParentPay. Teachers will let children know which activity they are doing next week. Year R children will be doing a carousel of activities in their usual classrooms.

Lost Property

Several children are missing named uniform. Please check that your child has their own uniform. Please also ensure that all uniform is named.


Harry C in Beech Class has misplaced a Shackleton sweatshirt.

Hazel A in Beech Class has lost her blue/orange Smash water bottle (named on the bottom).

Menu: week 1 beginning 14 October


Dates for the diary

  • Monday 14 October – Y5 Tower of London Trip
  • Monday 14 October – 3N Swimming
  • Monday 14 October – Tempest Portrait photos at HT for Y4 and Y6 + PD siblings. PD Siblings should arrive at HT car park by 8:30am.
  • Tuesday 15 October - Tempest Portrait photos at HT for Y3 and Y5 + HT siblings. HT Siblings should arrive at HT car park by 8:30am.
  • Wednesday 16 October – 4SJ Swimming
  • Wednesday 16 October – Parents Evening booking will go live at 18:00
  • Friday 18 October – Fluffy Friday
  • Tuesday 5 November and Thursday 7 November – HT Parent Meetings

Menu: week 1 beginning 14 October

Thursday 21 November - Influenza (flu) vaccinations via nasal spray.  Please complete the e-consent form by 4pm Friday 15 November, by visiting: and entering your school’s unique code SR125288 . If you do not want your child to receive a vaccine, then please fill in the ‘No’ box.  Please see the ParentMail dated 11/09/2024 for details.

Cancelled Clubs week commencing 14 October:

  • Friday 18 October - No Y4 netball club as Bertha the PAT dog will be on site.

Please note that due to Parent Consultations, the following clubs will be cancelled during the week commencing 4 November:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 

Y3&4 Mindfulness

Y6 Drama

Y5 Netball

Advanced Chess (Book Week)

Y5 Boys & Girls Football

Y6 Netball

Beginners Chess (Book Week)

Early morning Running Club

Y5&6 Card Games

Y3&4 Dance Club

Y3 Boys & Girls Football

Y4 Netball

Sports Fixtures:

Wednesday 16 October - Y5 Netball Tournament at Tormead 1.30 - 4pm. The team has been sent out on ParentMail.

Thursday 17 October - Y3&4 and Y5&6 Panathlon at Spectrum. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail.

Friday 18 October -  No Y4 netball club as Bertha the PAT dog is on site for Fluffy Friday.

Monday 21 October - Y5 Netball v QE - AWAY. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail.




Glow Disco - Pewley Down Site

  1. Hi everyone! We’re really excited to announce the Glow Disco is back! Here are a few things you need to know:
  2. The disco will run from 5-6.30pm.
  3. There will be music and group party-style games.
  4. Children can glam themselves or each other up, by using the free ‘Glow & Glam-up station’ which will be stocked up with glow tattoos, UV and glitter face paints, plus UV hair mascara!
  5. A paid bar will be there for adults and extra soft drinks for kids, plus a small selection of snacks will also be on offer.
  6. Tickets will be £8 for a child (including a hot dog and cup of squash on arrival for the children) and £2 for an adult. The disco is open to Pewley pupils only. Maximum 1 adult allowed with each child. We only have capacity for 215 people, so if you can organise to send your child with another adult, that would help free up space.

All the money raised will go towards school renovations and resources for the children.

*Parent actions*

  • Tickets can be bought via this link, which will go live from from Monday 14th October at 6pm! Please ensure your tickets are printed out or accessible on a mobile device so they can be scanned on entry to the disco.
  • Please confirm any dietary requirements when ordering your tickets online. This is to ensure that we buy the correct food quantities ahead of the disco.
  • We want everyone to be part of the disco, so if the ticket is outside of your price range, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. This will of course be treated confidentially.
  • We will be holding a mini raffle on the day and are looking out for donations – so if you have any gifts or freebies you can offer, we would really appreciate them please.
  • We really need parent helpers to run the event and will be sending out a sign up sheet with hourly slots, please sign up to help the event run smoothly.
  • If you have any UV lights, disco lights or disco balls you could lend us for the night it would be much appreciated.

If you have any questions then please do speak to either of us in the playground or leave a message with the office.

Have a great weekend! Claire Poulson & Lauren Prosser x


Thank you so much to everyone who attended HTSC’s first meeting and brainstorm on Wednesday evening. It was great to have so much enthusiasm and a huge number of ideas were generated. The next step is to get moving with some! So if you’re interested in helping out, either with events or with some more home-based fundraising, please do get in touch. You can email, or reach out to your class rep who will pass on your details.

One of the simple fundraising ideas which we can all do straight away is to order name labels through Stickins. By using the fundraising code 35714, HTSC will receive 30% commission on your order. Keep an eye out in your child’s bag for a leaflet containing all this info as well. 

We’re also registered with easyfundraising, which means that over 7,000 brands will now donate to us for FREE if you use easyfundraising to shop with them. It’s easy to sign up, then find your favourite stores and shop away as usual whilst HTSC earns a commission. You can access our portal at

Finally, the date for the upcoming DT Evening has changed to Thursday 21 November.

Thank you, and happy shopping!

HTSC committee (Cristina, Catherine and Paul)


  • Kickstart Holiday Club – flyer attached
  • Boogie Pumps Halloween Camp – flyer attached
  • The Snowman Live Screening – flyer attached