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JTLYK 4 October

Dear parents/carers, 

We have had another great week in Year 3. We ended the week with potted sports, which involved a rotation of activities and they all linked to well-known nursery rhymes as a nod to yesterday’s National Poetry Day.  

In science this week, we have been finishing off our learning about teeth and the importance of dental hygiene, and today moved onto learning about light and how our eyes use light to be able to see objects around us. The children learnt about the difference between natural and artificial light before having a go at demonstrating the difficulties our eyes have to see when there is a lack of light illuminating and reflecting off of the objects around us. 

 In English, we have continued to use My Name is Not Refugee as our model text and relating it to our school value ‘Imagining the Journey in Another’s Footsteps’. The children have written two diary entries from the perspective of the main character from this book and have learnt how to add and edit vocabulary to make it emotive or powerful. 

In maths, we have been working on applying base number facts to solve addition and subtraction sentences within 1000. For example, knowing that 8 - 2= 6, 80 – 20= 60 and therefore 800 – 200 = 600. Have a go at challenges like this one at home: 



Challenge: Find a path from the start to the finish so that your final number finishes at 778.

Is there more than one path?

What if the finish number is 578?




The spellings which have been sent home for practising have been put in the back of your child’s book. We have included some extra challenge questions which you may choose to practise too. These words all have the /e/ phoneme in them, as in ‘fled’: 

remember, breath, friend, exercise, said, extreme (extra challenge words: decathlon, medicine)

Dates for the diary

  • Juniors Harvest Festival- Wednesday 9 October 9am 
  • Local churches trip – Thursday 10 October 2024- Packed lunch please 
  • Fluffy Friday (own clothes and £1 donation)- Friday 18 October 
  • Early finish for half term at the Juniors- Wednesday 23 October 1.30pm