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JTLYK 4 October

Dear Parents and Carers

We had a very exciting end to the week with our ‘potted sports’ challenge – the children were brilliant at encouraging each other and showed their competitive spirit whilst clocking up House Points.

In English this week

This week, the children have learned to use the features of a formal letter.  We imagined that Dara, our hero from The Way to Impossible Island, discovered what he believed to be a Mesolithic flint spear head.  He decided to write to the British Museum to ask them to verify his findings.  Unfortunately his mum and dad told him that he would have to write in a formal style ….. so, he needed our help! The children enjoyed writing to persuade the experts to take a closer look at Dara’s find, laying out their text correctly, using standard English as well as Dear Sir/Madam and ‘Yours faithfully’.  See if your child can tell you something about the content of their own letter.

In maths this week

We have continued to consolidate our learning of how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.  For example, when rounding to the nearest thousand, the children remembered to look for the multiple of a thousand that comes before and the multiple of a thousand that comes after the given number.  We used a number line to see which 1000’s number it was closer too.  We also remembered that we can look at the hundreds number to see if we should round the number to the previous, or next 1000’s number.

Times Tables

We have been learning the 8 x tables this week and have recorded them in our blue books.  Please make sure these come in to school each day in your child’s backpack.  Here are some useful websites to help make learning fun!  Remember to help your child to do the TT Rockstars challenge this week! 

Daily Ten (click through to level 4 multiplication)



TT Rockstars



This week, we have been studying the long ‘O’ sound and all its representations. The children have a sticker in their Spelling Journals but here are the words for this week:

notice, although, potatoes, shown, groan, grown, arrow, telescope, periscope, microscope.                              

Remember, Tracey’s group do not have to learn the class spellings.


This week, the children have been learning how the internet works!  We carefully searched for the HTPD, Newsround and Natgeokids websites and wrote down what sort of things we could find there.  Ask your child what they found out!


We have travelled in time again to the Iron Age!  We have been learning about aspects of life for people in Britain at this time such as food, appearance, home and lifestyle, as well as warfare. We have used the information we discovered to contribute to an information page for a history book of which the British Museum would be proud!  Can your child tell you why iron was such an important discovery? What was the most interesting thing they discovered?