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News & Events

4 October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Next week, we’ll be celebrating Harvest Festival at both sites (on Tuesday 8th at Pewley at 10:00am, and on Wednesday 9th at HT at 8.50am). You are welcome to come and join our whole school assembly. This is not a performance or a show, but we’d love you to join us in singing, celebrating, praying and reflecting on all we have to be thankful for. We will also recognise that not everyone has enough to eat, reminding ourselves of our responsibility to care for others. 

This year, we are collecting for Guildford Foodbank (see below for more info on what to bring), but we are also raising money to give to a local charity called Home Start Guildford. This is an amazing organisation that’s been chosen by our juniors’ school council. Home Start Guildford supports parents in our local area who have at least one child under 5 years and who are dealing with issues such as isolation, poor mental health, sickness, disability, domestic abuse and difficult relationships. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, this can be done via Parentpay. Further details about the organisation can be found on their website:   Thank you in advance for helping the children understand that the combined generosity of our school community can make a positive difference. 

I’ve really enjoyed showing prospective parents around at both sites on parent tours in the last few days. It was wonderful to showcase the school’s “zest for learning and love of life” in action. The children were great ambassadors for HTPD, talking excitedly about their learning, clubs, trips and our school values. There is always so much going on at HTPD; this week has seen football fixtures and a large cross-country meet, as well as the usual plethora of clubs from judo to war-hammer, chess, orchestra and the delightful smell of cooking wafting up the stairs. 

Today saw the children in Years 3-6 take part in our first house event of the year - Potted Sports. Following on from National Poetry Day yesterday, the theme for this year's sporting activities was nursery rhymes. The children had a lot of fun earning points for their houses by running, jumping, throwing, scooting and lots more besides. The points will be totalled up and winners announced in next week's assembly.   

The 18th of October is ‘Fluffy Friday’; the first of the academic year, and another first for me! On this day, the children get to take part in all sorts of different activities beyond their own classroom, mixing across the year groups and trying something new, working with different adults and focusing on something for longer than just a single lesson. Part of Fluffy Friday is to encourage children to move out of their comfort zone and embrace being in a new group of children, not always with friends – it's our commitment to developing children’s resilience as they move through their time at HTPD.  We ask that you send in £1 to cover the additional costs of putting this day together; you can also pay on ParentPay.  

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine! 

Best wishes, 


Thought of the week: Who helps you survive the hard times?  

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  (Psalm 46:1)

Whole School

  • Wednesday 23 October – Early Finish PD pick-up at 1.15pm, HT pick-up at 1.30pm
  • Thursday 24 and Friday 25 October – INSET days
  • Monday 28 October – Friday 1 November – Half-term holidays
  • Monday 4 November – Children back to school

Harvest Donations 

We are asking children to bring in items for a collection to be sent to North Guildford Food Bank on the day of our Harvest assemblies, Tuesday 8 October at Pewley and Wednesday 9th October at Holy Trinity. Please send any donations in with your child on the morning of the assembly. At Pewley, a table will be set up in the main entrance for donations and children at Holy Trinity can take their donations straight to the chapel.   

Whilst all donations will be gratefully received, we have been given the following list of items that the Food Bank has a real need for:  

  • Long Life Puddings 
  • Fruit squash 
  • Tea bags 
  • Tinned Fish 
  • Dried Flavoured Noodles 
  • Tinned Meat 
  • Deodorant 
  • Shower / bath gel 
  • Laundry Detergent 
  • Thank you in advance for your generosity!


Harvest Assembly, Tuesday 8 October 

Please send in any donations for the North Guildford Food Bank on Tuesday morning; there will be a table set up in the hall.  Whilst all donations will be gratefully received, the Food Bank are especially in need of:  Long Life Puddings, Fruit Squash, Tea bags, Tinned Fish, Dried Flavoured Noodles, Tinned Meat, Deodorant, Shower / Bath gel and Laundry Detergent. 

We are also raising money for a local charity called Home Start Guildford which supports families with young children through challenging times.  Further details on their website:  Donations to this worthy cause can be made via ParentPay.   

Menu: week 3 beginning 7 October 

FOPS - see PTA drop-down below.


Dates for the diary

  • Monday 7 October – 3N Swimming
  • Wednesday 9 October – 4SJ Swimming
  • Wednesday 9 October – Harvest Assembly and food collection (suitable items include dry or canned goods, as well as cleaning materials and toiletries. Please send any donations in with your child to the chapel on the morning of the assembly)
  • Thursday 10 October - Y3 Local Churches Trip
  • Monday 14 October – Y5 Tower of London Trip
  • Monday 14 October – Tempest Portrait photos at HT for Y4 and Y6 + PD siblings.  PD Siblings should arrive at HT car park by 8:30am.   
  • Tuesday 15 October – Tempest Portrait photos at HT for Y3 and Y5 and HT siblings.  HT siblings should arrive at HT car park by 8:30am
  • Friday 18 October – Fluffy Friday
  • Thursday 21 November - Influenza (flu) vaccinations via nasal spray.  Please complete the e-consent form by 4pm Friday 15th November, by visiting: and entering your school’s unique code SR125288. If you do not want your child to receive a vaccine, then please fill in the ‘No’ box. Please see the ParentMail dated 11/09/2024 for details.

Lunch: Week 3 beginning 7 October. If your child brings snacks or a packed lunch in school, please remember HTPD has a No Nuts Policy

A reminder to parents to please look out for cancelled clubs on the weekly newsletter.

Sports Fixtures:

Wednesday 9 October - Y6 Sports Crew Training at Spectrum 9am -12pm. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail.

Thursday 10 October - Y5&Y6 Tag Rugby Festival at Stoke Park. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail.

Friday 11 October - Y6A,B&C Netball v St Cats - AWAY. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail.

Wednesday 16 October - Y5 Netball Tournament at Tormead 1.30 - 4pm. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.

Thursday 17th October - Y3&4 and Y5&6 Panathlon at Spectrum. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail.

Friday 18 October - Fluffy Friday - No Y4 netball club as Bertha the PAT dog will be on site.

Notice for Y6 parents re Year 7 Secondary Applications
This is a reminder to the parents and carers of Year 6 children that applications for secondary schools close on Thursday 31 October 2024.  It is vital that you submit your application on or before this date.  Please note that online applications are preferred by SCC, and e-Admissions forms together with further information are available on their website Should you require a hard copy, please e-mail or telephone 0300 200 1004. Paper copies should be returned directly to Surrey County Council.


FOPS News 

Your new FOPS committee for PD is hard at work getting to grips with the fundraising activities held over the autumn term that have helped support the school so brilliantly in previous years, including the Christmas fair and cards, pre-loved uniform sales, and much more - keep an eye out for details over the coming weeks.  


The PD school disco is back! Join us on 8th November at 5-6:30pm. Tickets go on sale on Friday 11th October. Don’t miss out!  

If you’d like to volunteer to help at this, or any other upcoming events, come along and meet us on Monday 14 October at 7:30pm in Rogues, where we’d love to get to know the school community more, and hear your ideas and feedback to make sure we get the most out of this year for everyone.  

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please get in touch at, or at the school gates!

Your FOPS team:  

  • Agnes Kotroczo, Co-Chair  
  • Theti Chrysanthaki, Co-Chair  
  • Daniel Chidley, Co-Treasurer 
  • Alfredo Barreto, Co-Treasurer 
  • Sally Healy, Co-Secretary 
  • Claire Collis, Co-Secretary 



The Cycle Training Team at Surrey County Council are recruiting for Bikeability Cycling Instructors.  For further details: Cycling Instructor - Surrey County Council (

RUGBYTOTS for children 2-7 years is coming to Surrey Sports Park on Sunday 3 November. We will be offering a FREE Taster Session allowing your child to try the class out before committing. To book a FREE taster or if you have any questions, please email: To find out more: 

Surrey Arts has quite a few spaces available for Piano lessons please see the attached flyer.

Vintage Model Railway Show – see attached flyer.