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JTLYK 13 September

Dear parents and carers,

We have had another lovely week in Year 2 with the children settling in very well.

This week, in maths, we have been recapping the value of digits in a number and ensuring we recognise tens and ones. We have represented this information using tens frames, dienes and numerals. In English, we have continued to learn the story ‘Mrs. Armitage on Wheels’ by Quentin Blake. We have also started learning about adjectives and nouns and writing multiple adjective sentences. In Art, we looked at Primary and Secondary colours before having a go at some colour mixing. In Science, we started our World of Inventors topic and investigated the properties of some materials seeing if they would bend, twist, squash or stretch. We also enjoyed a lovely walk to Holy Trinity Church where we learned the names of some key parts of a church.

Some helpful reminders and dates for your diaries:

Meet the team will be on Tuesday 17 September between 7 and 8pm.

  • Reading books and Reading Records have now been sent home. Can these please be returned to school every Thursday and they will then be sent out again on Friday with a new book.
  • There will be lots more information regarding reading and reading records at the Meet The Team Meeting on Tuesday. So please join us!
  • We have a Fire Safety visit from the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service on Wednesday 6 November.