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JTLYK 13 September

Dear Parents,

What an exciting week!

Our visit to the Chantries with our Year 3 buddies was a great success. The Year 6 children were fantastic role models, supporting and guiding their buddies through the various activities. There were also some visits from a few famous explorers, eager to share their stories!

Have a great weekend,

Danni, Jo, Kathryn, Julia, Catherine and Mark.


This week, we have explored the four different types of sentences and spent time getting to know our coordinating conjunctions. Ask your child if they can name all four sentence types and what ‘FANBOYS’ stands for!


We’ve continued our work on place value this week, focusing on rounding numbers and understanding decimal place value. Hopefully, we’ve laid some good foundations for beginning to work on calculation next week.

Ask your child if they can explain the value of each digit below:


House Captains

After some great speeches and democratic voting, the new house captains have been elected. It was a very close election but congratulations to:

  • Keller - Benedict and Alba J
  • Nightingale - Safiya and Xander
  • Shackleton - Poppy H and Daniel S
  • Mandela - Adi and Missy

Coming up…

Friday 27 September – Trip to Wisley Gardens

We will be heading to the wonderful Wisley Gardens on Friday. Please make sure children have a packed lunch and full water bottle. Children will need to wear school uniform on this trip.

Please look out for more details about this trip on ParentMail in the coming weeks.