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News & Events

No. 240 - 7 June

Dear Parents and Carers,

I’m sure you’ll have enjoyed reading the ParentMail that came out earlier this afternoon from Alex Tear at Guildford Diocese, followed by my letter about the start of term arrangements for children in new Year 1 and Year 2. We’re all getting excited about the move back to Pewley in September – I’ll be praying for the project to run smoothly and without any glitches!

This good news was closely followed by an email that contained the report from the Ofsted inspection at Holy Trinity that happened just before the holidays. It’ll be published on the official Ofsted website in the next few days, but do take a few moments to enjoy a quick read. It’s great to see that the inspector has captured so much of what makes our school community so distinctive, and that it is a place where children thrive. It also confirms that the areas that we are currently working on to develop our wider curriculum are the right next steps for the school. Vicky, our new headteacher has been working with the leadership team today to craft the school development plan for the next academic year and I know they’ll have enjoyed celebrating all the positives!

Once again, I’m so grateful for all the contributions from parents that the inspector used as evidence to support her findings. She was really impressed by the strength of the school community and I’m delighted that the staff and children were given such superb feedback.

As we start to look ahead to next year, I’m now able to publish the class teacher arrangements for September.

Reception Beccy Davison Hayley Esselen  
Y1 Emma Williams Emily Russell/Laura Hanley  
Y2 Toby Strutt Jonel van Schalkwyk  
Y3 Nick Walker Georgie Furlonger Lydia Pope
Y4 Sarah Jackson Sheena Preston Ben Stackhouse
Y5 Kayleigh Ashraf Helen Campbell Scarlett Close
Y6 Danni Weston Kathryn Thomas  Jo Pillay

Tom Everard, Helen Pronger and Lilja Helgadottir (members of the senior leadership team) together with several part-time staff will be teaching across the school in different year groups. We’ll be welcoming Catherine Finniear back from maternity leave one day a week at the juniors.

You might have noticed that two members of the teaching team are missing from the list – I’m delighted to let you know that Jo White (Y6 teacher) is expecting a baby and will start her maternity leave in October. We are pleased that Kathryn Thomas, an experienced teacher who is currently working in another local school, is joining the team in September to cover her role. We’re sad to announce that Andy Whitall (Y3 teacher) will be moving away from Guildford in the summer – he’s been a fantastic member of the teaching team and will be hugely missed. Lydia Pope, an experienced teacher from Brighton, is taking his place and we’re looking forward to getting to know her when she visits for the new year 3 induction day taking place later this month.

We will now begin the important task of choosing a new teacher for each child. Please allow us to consider the best fit for each individual, taking into account the huge number of important factors in ensuring a smooth transition in September. If you do have serious concerns, any comments should be directed to me rather than to your child’s current teacher. Thank you for your understanding in giving us the opportunity to consider the whole picture rather than making decisions from just one perspective. Like the teachers, the children are always so adaptable and ready to embrace change!

I’m very much looking forward to seeing many of you at the big event of the weekend, our HTSC/FOPS fun run! It promises to be a really fun afternoon together – I’ll see you there!

With much love,


A message from our Co-Chairs of Governors:

Dear parents and carers

We hope you'll agree that Holy Trinity's Ofsted report makes a great read! Thank you to all the many parents who took part in the parent questionnaire - your views were so important in helping the inspector understand the school, and recognise the central role of our ethos and values in making the school such a special place.

On behalf of all the governors, Helen and I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Clare, the SLT, our teachers, teaching assistants and all the other members of the team whose amazing team work enables our children to become - in the words of the report - 'accomplished learners and caring people'. And thank you so much for your consistent support and encouragement over the last year.

With best wishes

Deborah and Helen

Thought of the week: Bee pure – when do you see God? “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

Whole School

All final details for tomorrow's Fun Run will be announced over ParentMail and year group socials later today, so keep an eye out for them! 

Ticks Awareness – please see the notice in the “Other” section below for useful information on dealing with ticks.

Clubs - If your child attends after-school clubs, do check the notices below by clicking on the junior or infant section.


Ballet Club Show, 4 July

Parents are invited to come and watch the ballet show at 3.30pm on Thursday 4 July. The final ballet lesson for this term will then be on 11 July.

Menu: week 3 beginning 10 June.


Notice for 3N - PE days have changed to Tuesday and Thursday.

Cancelled Clubs

  • Thursday Y4 Tennis Club.

Lunch – Week 3 beginning 10 June

Sports Update

Wednesday 12 June

Y3 Tennis Festival at Shalford Tennis Club, 1 - 3pm. The team has been sent out on ParentMail.

Thursday 13 June

Y3 Tennis Competition at Shalford Tennis Club after school. The team has been sent out on ParentMail.


St Saviour’s Church – Holiday Club 28-30 August 2024, please see the flyer below.

Guildford Baptist Church “Joy by the Way” evening of orchestral and global music – please see the flyer below for details.

External Club Kickstart – please see the flyer below for their Summer Holiday club.


Tickets cost £3 (children free) from 25 Addison Road on the day, and this will include tea and cakes.

Details of gardens to visit and refreshment venue will be printed on your ticket and are all in the Addison Road area. There will also be a plant sale. If you would like to donate any plants, they can be delivered to 25 Addison Road on the day. Please contact Katherine on 07931 408 656 to arrange.

We would appreciate cash for your entry and for any plants you plan to buy. (+ HTAG newsletter)

Ticks - The prevalence of ticks this year is exceptionally high and being found more frequently on dogs and children playing outdoors, not just in woodlands.

Given how many children walk in over the Downs and how much outdoor play in wooded areas the children are lucky enough to have access to, it would be worth being aware and doing nightly tick checks, and what to look out for in respect of Lyme.

If a tick had been feeding and embedded for less than 24 hours, it was extremely unlikely to have been able to transmit Lyme’s disease, if indeed it was infected. Hence the nightly tick check is a good preventative measure for requiring antibiotics or being concerned about Lyme’s disease.

You can find more information on the NHS and CDC websites: 

  1. The NHS guidance:
  2. The CDC guidance: