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Junior - Lunch Information

At Holy Trinity, lunch credits are now payable in advance on the secure payments site, ParentPay. Credits are only used when meals are taken. Lunches are currently at £2.85 per meal.

The children should bring in a healthy snack for break time (just fruit or vegetables and no nuts please) and a bottle of water.

If your child has a packed lunch, these are kept in the classroom.

Information about bringing packed lunches

If children bring a packed lunch, we would like to remind parents that we are a nut-free school and so packed lunches should not contain nuts in any way (eg. no nuts, no nutella, no peanut butter, no food containing nuts...). This is to keep children with allergies safe.

Should you choose to provide a packed lunch instead of school dinners, please do follow this link to read advice about making sure that the packed meal that you provide contains the right food and a good balance of healthy choices.