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Infant - Lunch Information

Children may have a hot school meal or bring their own packed lunch. The school meal comprises main course and dessert. We ask that you give at least 2 weeks’ notice in writing if you wish to change from school meals to sandwiches or vice versa.

From September 2014, the government is subsidising infant pupils’ school lunches, which are to be free, so no more lunch payments at Pewley Down.

If your child has a packed lunch please drop these off on your way to class on the shelf in the hall. 

Information about bringing packed lunches

If children bring a packed lunch, we would like to remind parents that we are a nut-free school and so packed lunches should not contain nuts in any way (eg. no nuts, no nutella, no peanut butter, no food containing nuts...) . This is to keep children with allergies safe.

Should you choose to provide a packed lunch instead of school dinners, please do follow this link to read advice about making sure that the packed meal that you provide contains the right food and a good balance of healthy choices.

Children with any food allergies wear a special badge at lunch times to ensure all staff are aware of any intolerance. Please ensure that any allergies have been noted on the information you have sent into school.

Children are provided with a fruit snack at breaktime and should bring in a water bottle everyday.