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JTLYK 14 February

Dear Parents and Carers 

The children have had a wonderful Fluffy Friday, trying new things and making friends across the year groups. They really appreciate all the effort that goes into creating these special days. We hope that you will have a safe and restful half term holiday!

Internet Safety Day

The children learned about SCAMs and how to spot them in different situations.  They all completed an online survey about their internet usage at home.  Finally, the children had great fun creating new passwords, and are becoming more knowledgeable about how to spot scammers online. Ask your child what the acronym SCAM stands for.


4SP were very excited to learn that they had won the MASHES trophy AGAIN this week for the most points earned on TT Rock Stars. Do use this platform to help your child practise using their times tables during the holidays if you are able.  In class this week we learned about correspondence, when we calculate how many different options there are to a given number of choices eg. We have four flavours of ice cream and two flavours of cones – how many different combinations could we make?  Ask your child to tell you! 


This week we wrote our own book reviews to persuade our friends to read our favourite books!  At the same time, we discussed books that we had not enjoyed and decided that there are too many books that we want to read, to waste valuable reading time on ones we are not enjoying! We also practised using a selection of spellings learned this term.  In SPaG we learned about plural and possessive apostrophes – ask your child if they can tell you what they are.


We had a very exciting day yesterday when we tested some of our zip line material experiments.  The children had chosen tin foil, polystyrene, bubble wrap, hair scrunchy, rubber and ……. a banana skin!  We loved watching Tiny the Tortoise racing down the zip line to the playground and agreed that he had had a lovely day out! Then, in the afternoon the children were given six lollipop sticks to make shapes that stay together because of tension.  These shapes ‘explode’ when dropped onto a table top with dramatic effect!  Great resilience was needed as it is much more difficult than it looks!


This week we had a final go at using the Audacity app to make our podcasts.  Using our planning notes, we practised recording, deleting, editing and adding sound effects.  We remembered to speak slowing and clearly near to the microphone, and to keep our commentary lively by introducing our fellow commentators and keeping it short and interesting! 


This week we worked in groups to build stamina and practise our Sports Hall activities, giving feedback to help refine our technique.  The children used javelins, relay bats, speed bounces, high steps and obstacle races.