JTLYK 7 February
Dear parents and carers,
This week we continued to focus on descriptive writing in English, this time when describing characters. We chose a character from our story, Dinosaur Junior, and then came up with lots of different ideas for how we could describe them, focussing on their appearance, movements and character. We then wrote beautiful character descriptions ready for writing our stories next week – watch this space!
In Maths this week we began by continuing to look at grouping as a method for division and multiplication. We used lots of resources and the children picked this concept up quickly. We then moved on to looking at sharing as a method for division, which is a strategy the children were more familiar with. We finished off by practising our 2 times table and then looking at how to divide by 2.
In art, we continued with our work on collage. We practised sketching some dinosaur shapes ready for our final piece before using all of the oil pastel and watercolour techniques we have learnt to create textured papers to use in our collages next week. Thank you to those who have sent in some materials for us to use when making our collages. There is still time if you would also like to contribute.
Papers that would be suitable:
- Old wrapping paper
- Magazine cuttings
- Wallpaper samples
- Any coloured, patterned or textured paper.
In PE, we practised our bowling and skipping skills. The children’s throwing and catching skills have made huge progress this year and these skills will be of huge benefit for the many sports they will play in the future.
In RE, we continued our unit looking at Islam. We learnt about identifying if something is important to Muslim families this week.
In Science, we began to learn about Mary Anning – who will be the topic of one of our future pieces of writing – and why she is so significant in the world of palaeontology. The children enjoyed sharing the facts they already knew about her and are all now expecting a holiday to the Jurassic Coast this summer – sorry!
Charity Bake Bonanza:
As part of the children’s PSHE and maths learning this half term, the children have requested to hold a bake sale in aid of an animal charity. Please could children bring in 50p in a mixture of silver coins, in a sealed envelope for Thursday next week. This will also help consolidate their learning in PSHE on giving and working as part of a team. It will also help them practice making amounts with money.
Library Books
If possible, Geraldine would very much appreciate it if library books were now returned on a Monday rather than a Tuesday as our library slots are a little frantic at the moment. We will also remind the children about this.
- Swimming is on Tuesday each week.
- Reading folders are due on Thursdays ready to go back home on Fridays.
- Our Library slot is on a Tuesday. The children are only allowed two books out at one time.
- PE is currently on a Wednesday.
TT Rockstars:
We have launched TT Rockstars in school. Please look out for a letter coming home. It is a bit like Numbots but helps children with times tables rather than number bonds. It will also help the children practice their maths over the holidays!
Plastic Bottles:
After half term, we will be conducting an experiment that requires a number of small plastic bottles (500ml size or around that number). If you have any that need recycling, please send them our way as we will make good use of them!
Key Dates:
- Fluffy Friday – Friday 14 February
- Half term – Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February
- Sports Hall Competition – Wednesday 5 March
- Natural History Museum Trip – Monday 24 March