JTLYK 7 February
Dear Parents and Carers,
We were especially proud of Year 6 on Monday - their curiosity and zest for learning was clear as they watched the dissection of a heart. They also applied their scientific knowledge to make predictions and designed an experiment to find out more about the link between heart rate and exercise.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Danni, Jo, Kathryn, Julia and Tom
The children had fun at the start of the week writing riddles for Gollum. Today we sampled Lembas Bread, a Hobbit favourite, as the children wrote their own Middle-earth recipes for this sustaining and delicious treat.
This week we have focused on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. The children have been using their skills to switch between the different ways of representing these numbers. Ask your child if they can fill in the blanks.
On Monday, we welcomed back Dr Clare B to perform a heart dissection. Clare was very impressed with their thoughtful questioning and background knowledge.
Please continue to remind your child about the importance of handing in their homework on time. We want the children to be independent with their organisation skills; this will be incredibly valuable when they start secondary school.
Year 6 will be returning to spelling tests on a Monday morning first thing. Please make sure your child practises their spellings throughout the week.
accommodate, accompany, necessary, aggressive, tomorrow, appreciate, attached, communicate, immediately, interrupt
 Learn these ready for a test on Monday 10th February.
Coming Up
- Friday 14 February - Fluffy Friday. Children should come into school wearing home clothes that are appropriate for the activity they are doing. Please either pay £1 via ParentPay or send it into school with your child.
- Wednesday 5 March – Science Museum Trip
Important Notices
Change to PE day – next week only!
Our PE day next week for all of Year 6 will be Thursday 13th February.