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JTLYK 7 February

Dear Parents and Carers 

The children were delighted to find out their Fluffy Friday activities for next week!  If your child is going off site there will be a letter coming home with details soon.  Meanwhile, those staying at school can wear their own home clothes and everyone should bring in £1 to cover the costs of activities. Clothes should be suitable for the activity. 

Next week we will be taking part in ‘Internet Safety Day’ on Tuesday.  Please take some time this weekend to share or remind your child what safety/parental guidance you put in place at home when using the internet!


4SP were very excited to learn that they had won the MASHES trophy this week for the most points earned on TT Rock Stars. Please help your child to log on to contribute points to the competition this week! In class, the children have been learning how to divide 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. We used two different methods – place value chart/counters and, part/part/whole.  By the end of the week, most children were using the latter method whilst flexibly partitioning the 2-digit numbers to allow the calculation. We have begun to look at division with remainders and will continue next week to embed the learning.


This week the children took part in a SPaG quiz to help them remember all that we learnt this half term.  In English, we looked at journalist style writing so that we could write a newspaper report on the events in George’s Marvellous Medicine.  Ask your child to tell you what should be included in the first paragraph, the main paragraph and ending paragraph! 

The spellings this week are commonly misspelt words: 

with, went, friend, tomorrow, off, of, our, are, interesting, disappear. 

We will check these on 10th February. 


Working scientifically this week, we used the skill of ‘Setting up a test’.  We thought about using a zip line to transport Tiny the Turtle, from the Year 4 area down to the playground, as fast as possible!  The children had to think carefully about different materials to use for the harness and what forces would be in play.  They then had to draw and label their test.  Ask your child to tell you what materials they chose and (more importantly!) why?  Can they use the terms friction, gravity and air resistance correctly? 


Continuing our Covenant journey in the Bible, this week we learnt how God appointed the first King of Israel - David.  We also talked about how Christians observe the Ten Commandments by using Jesus’ commandment to love God and one another – the greatest commandment of all!


This week we practised inserting sound effects into our podcasts and ‘layering’ our soundtracks.


The children continued practising their Sportshall activities this week. We worked in pairs and gave feedback on the correct technique.  The children threw javelins, practised throwing chest passes, did split jumping squats, beanbag throwing and standing long jumps.