JTLYK 24 January
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week, we have continued to enjoy our Ancient Greek topic. We focused on the Golden Age of Athens and explored how it led to many legacies we recognise today, such as modern architecture and democracy. The children ended the week by discussing, debating, and voting on whether children in this country should be allowed to vote. They used the ancient technique of casting stones to make their decisions.
In Maths, the focus has been on division. The children practised using Dienes blocks to divide tens and ones into equal parts. Towards the end of the week, we introduced remainders for the first time.
In English, the children have thoroughly enjoyed combining their understanding of myths, with a focus on Theseus and the Minotaur, to create and write their own myths. Their stories have included a hero, a beast, and, in some cases, an element of tragedy.
Ancient Greek Day
On Friday 7th February we will be having our Year 3 Greek Day. Please can children dress up in simple Greek costumes. A plain sheet over their shoulders works well. Please do reuse things you already have and feel free to be as creative as you like!
This week’s spellings
favourite, February, graphics, draft, shift, different, photograph, biography
This week we are looking at the phoneme /f/ as in form.