JTLYK 17 January
Dear parents and carers,
In English this week, we continued with our poetry unit and looked at another poem based on dinosaurs. Again, we analysed the poem – picking out nouns and adjectives and then we had a go at writing our own version. The children worked very hard and it has been great to see their writing skills continue to improve.
In maths, we finalised our unit looking at shape. We counted vertices on 3D shapes, learned to sort shapes based on their varying characteristics and also learnt to spot patterns in both 2D and 3D shapes. Next week, we will begin to look at multiplication and division.
In art, we used the oil pastel techniques we learnt last week to produce some beautiful pictures of dinosaur eyes.
In RE, we continued our unit looking at Islam and learnt about the 5 pillars of the Muslim faith.
In PE, we continued preparing for our upcoming Sports Hall competition. We practised jumping and kicked footballs at cones, developing our accuracy.
In science, we learnt about what dinosaurs were as well as finding out when they existed – a long time ago!
We're pleased to hear lots of children used their Numbots logins over the holidays. Please keep it up – it really does help their maths!
We will be introducing the children to Times Table Rock Stars soon as this will aid them in developing their multiplication skills.
We will be looking at fossils in school next Friday. If you have any at home that you would be happy for the children to share and learn from next week, please send them in and we will look after them until the end of the day.
Key Dates
- Swimming – starts next Tuesday 14 January
- Fluffy Friday – Friday 14 February
- Half term – Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February
- Sports Hall Competition – Wednesday 5 March
- Natural History Museum Trip – Monday 24 March