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JTLYK 10 January

Dear parents and carers,

We hope that everyone had a lovely time during their Christmas Break. The children have returned to school with ‘lots’ of energy and have already got stuck into our new topic – Dinosaurs.

In English this week, we learned a poem called Stomp, Chomp, Big Roars by Kaye Umansky. We spent time analysing the poem which helped us to consolidate on our learning about verbs and we then introduced adverbs too.

The children had a great time writing their own versions of the poem and are looking forward to you seeing them at our Dino Exhibition before the Easter holidays – details will come out in due course.

In Maths, we continued with our work looking at shape. We drew 2D shapes with a vertical line of symmetry, counted faces on 3D shapes and finished the week by counting edges on 3D shapes. The children also started a unit learning about money with Tom, our maths lead, who is teaching both classes on Thursday afternoons.

In Art, we explored techniques with oil pastels with stippling and sgraffito being very popular techniques.

In RE, we started learning about Islam and discussed what is important to Muslim families. Thank you all for sending in your family photos. The children enjoyed sharing who is in their family and what they enjoy doing together.

In PE, we started preparing for our upcoming Sports Hall competition. We practised balancing and learned to throw a javelin. See if your child can challenge you to a balancing competition.

In science, we started our dinosaur topic and discussed what we already know about dinosaurs and what we would like to find out.


We're pleased to hear lots of children use their Numbots logins over the holidays. Please keep it up – it really does help their maths!

Key Dates

  • Swimming – starts next Tuesday 14 January
  • Fluffy Friday – Friday 14 February
  • Half term – Monday 17th February – Friday 21 February
  • Natural History Museum Trip – Monday 24 March
  • Sports Hall Competition – Wednesday 5 March