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10 January 2025

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Happy New Year! I hope that you and your families had a relaxing Christmas break. We’ve so enjoyed seeing the children back in school; they all seemed so well rested and made such a positive start to these first few days of the spring term. The children and staff are excited to start their new topics and the learning to come this term.

The children have returned full of energy and enthusiasm for the term ahead, keen to make the most of every opportunity that they’re given. At the Junior school assembly this morning, Tom talked to the children about resilience and facing challenges or tasks that are hard with a positive attitude and a desire to keep going and not give up too easily.   With a whole range of new clubs on offer, we’ve been excited to see lots of children fully embracing school life. Do encourage your child to try something new this term. Take a look at the updated clubs list. Remember though, with such dark evenings, to come into school to pick children up if they’re finishing late.

A number of parents and teachers have read the highly acclaimed book, ‘The Anxious Generation’, by Jonanthan Haidt; if you haven’t read the whole book, you might be interested in reading this article, ‘How we can save our children from smartphones’ as a little taster into this very relevant topic

As winter has arrived, please ensure your child brings warm layers to school. We carry on using the outdoors as much as possible all the way through the winter months. We still have some lovely HTPD hats for sale, please contact the office If you wish to purchase one.

For those of you who were able to pledge some money for the Christmas Tree of Wishes at our Christmas production last term, you should now be able to find it as an item on Parentpay. If you can’t remember what you pledged, please contact Sheena ( Should you have missed the opportunity to pledge some money and are able to donate something to improve playtimes for children at HT, the link is available to all. Many thanks for your much valued support!

Have a great weekend everyone! 


Thought of the week: A new year, a new start. The choices that we make today affect the future.



The deadline for applications to Year R and Year 3 for September 2025 is next Wednesday 15 January. Online applications should be made via Surrey County Council’s website:

Parent governor election results

We are pleased to let you know that, as a result of the parent governor election at the end of last term, Tara Armitage was elected for Pewley Down and Kate Beveridge for Holy Trinity.  We look forward to working with them and are very grateful to them, and the other candidates, for standing for election.  

Deborah Pepper and Helen Murray, Co Chairs of Governors