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JTLYK 20 December

Dear parents and carers,

We made it! At 15 weeks, that was a very long school term.

Time for a holiday.

Despite the long term, we have continued to ask the children to do some learning this week…

In maths, we continued our work with shape. We learnt how to draw 2D shapes, which required a lot of control when using our rulers. We used squared paper to help us and the children worked very hard as the teachers were incredibly picky with their accuracy. We then identified and drew lines of symmetry on some 2D shapes. We will finish looking at shape after the holidays.

In English, we learnt about conjunctions and how they help us extend our sentences or join two short clauses together. We then read some nonsense poetry before trying to write some of our own, using our new knowledge.

We had some Christmassy fun in art producing some lovely Christmas cards using paint and sequins – hopefully these have made their way home to you.


Please make use of your Numbots logins over the holidays. It will help the children to keep up with their maths skills and it is a great way for them to consolidate on the basics of number.


Please read when you have the opportunity over the holidays. The children have been making great progress with their reading and it would be great to hit the ground running after the holidays.

Happy Christmas!

Year 2 wish you all a very Happy Christmas and hope you enjoy the festive break. We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

Key Dates

  • INSET DAY – Monday 6 January
  • First Day Back – Tuesday 7 January