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Train to teach

Why become a teacher?

The difference between a child falling through the cracks and a newly discovered interest that could become their lifelong passion and career, is a good teacher!  Sitting in any classroom across England will be the athletes, musicians, entrepreneurs, innovators, scientists, politicians and craftspeople of tomorrow. By inspiring and supporting the next generation, teachers have a profound impact on society and there are very few other professions that will provide the same sense of achievement and accomplishment.  (South Farnham SCITT)

As a school, HTPD is committed to training future teachers. We work in conjunction with Kingston University to offer placements for trainee teachers, but our main partnership is with South Farnham SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training). They are an Ofsted Outstanding teacher training provider who we have worked in partnership with for many years and regularly host trainee teachers at HTPD on this excellent programme. Here is a link to their website which gives you plenty of information if this is a career you are interested in finding out more about.   

Also attached is a letter from Vicky with dates that SF SCITT are offering information sessions over the next few months. Please feel free to contact them directly or contact us at HTPD if you would like to find out more.