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JTLYK 13 December

We hope you enjoyed the Christmas play this week, we are all so incredibly proud of the children! The church was buzzing with holiday cheer and the Year 3 children and their families have embraced the season of giving, kindness, and community. Thank you to those who volunteered!

This week’s learning: 

English: This week, we have continued exploring adventure stories with a focus on specific writing techniques that help writers build suspense. We have discussed why short sentences, empty words and direct speech contribute towards developing suspense within the build-up of our stories. Can you write three short sentences relating to the image below which suspense for the reader?  

I.e. As I crept along the cracked steps, something whispered in my ear.

Maths: This week, the children have built upon their knowledge of the 4 times-table to multiply by 8. The children have been applying their knowledge of equal groups and use concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations to explain the link between counting in 8s and multiplying by 8. Through this, the children should recognise that each multiple of 8 is double its equivalent multiple of 4, and may take this further to realise that multiplying by 8 is the same as doubling three times. The children may also recognise that calculating 8 lots of a number is the same as calculating 10 lots of the same number and subtracting 2 lots of it. The children have also explored the commutativity of multiplication. For example, they should have an understanding that 8 groups of 6 is equal to 6 groups of 8. 

Can you complete the sentences to describe each picture? 



The spellings which have been sent home for practising have been put in the back of your child’s book. We have included some extra challenge questions which you may choose to practise too.

This week we are looking at the /er/ as in digger. 

certain, early, purpose, answer, work, circle, centre, quarter 


Children to be collected at 1:45pm on the last day of term Friday 20th December. 

Year 3 children will be having their Christmas lunch on Tuesday. They are allowed to wear their Christmas jumpers for this
