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JTLYK 29 November

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Wow! We were blown away by the amazing efforts of all the children for their habitats and adaptations projects. They look fantastic! Other year groups have come to visit our corridor and have taken time to read all the interesting facts and information Year 6 included.  

The Christmas show is edging ever closer—we have provided lots of information about it on this week’s JTLYK.

Have a great weekend,  

Danni, Jo, Kathryn, Julia, Catherine and Mark.


We have continued to work on our understanding of fractions this week, looking at equivalent fractions, mixed numbers and improper fractions.  

Ask your child to covert the fractions below into mixed numbers: 


Rehearsals continue this week.  

Monday 2nd December

  • 3.20 - 4.30 (Starting in 4SJ) 
  • Scenes: Run-through of whole play 
  • Full cast 

Friday 6th December 

  • 3.20- 4.30 (Starting in 4SJ)            
  • Scenes: Run-through of whole play 
  • Full cast



This week, we have been recapping the ‘er’ sound and how it is represented in letters. 

heard, herd, exaggerate, unconcerned, perspective, controversial, confirmed, interaction, international, permanent, persistent, interpretation.  

Please make sure your child is practising their spellings.  

There will be no more homework given out after Friday 6th December, as we are aware the children will be busy putting all their energy into the Christmas play! 

Packed Lunches

Year 6 will need a packed lunch on the following days: Wednesday 4th December, Monday 9th December and Wednesday.

Christmas Play Costumes

If your child is wearing a costume in the play, it needs to be in school on Monday 2nd December. Please bring it into school in a labelled carrier bag. 

After both matinee performances, your child will wear their costume home with their school uniform in their labelled carrier bag. They need to come to the evening performances wearing their costume. 

After the evening performance on Monday 9th December, your child will wear their costume home.  

On Tuesday 10th December, please bring the full costume back into school in a labelled carrier bag. 

After the evening performance on Wednesday 11th December, your child will wear their costume home. 

On Thursday 12th December, please bring back to school any costumes that were lent by the school. 

Please note—for safeguarding purposes, there are no spaces in the church for the children to get changed into their costumes. 

Thank you for your support with this. 

Wednesday 4th December – Christmas Play Dress Rehearsal  

The Year 6 cast, lighting crew, stage crew, sound effects and costume assistants will be walking down to Holy Trinity Church at 11:30am on Wednesday 4th to rehearse the Christmas play (the cast will be in their costumes). They will need a pack lunch to eat at the church on arrival. We will return to school for normal pick-up time at 3:15pm. 

The rest of Year 6 – the marketing crew, runners and front of house team – will be staying at school to design the play programme and learn more about their roles.  

Monday 9th and Wednesday 11th December – Christmas Play drop-off and pick-up  

On Monday 9th and Wednesday 11th, all of Year 6 will be walking down to Holy Trinity Church at 11:30am for their first performance of ‘A Christmas Carol’. The matinee performance starts at 1:30pm. They will eat their packed lunch at the church on arrival. We will return to school for normal pick-up time at 3:15pm, unless you are there to collect at the end of the performance. 

For the evening performances, your child needs to arrive at Holy Trinity Church at 6:30pm.  

The evening shows should finish at about 8pm. However, we will reconfirm the finish time closer to the date once we’ve had a full run-through.