JTLYK 29 November
Dear Parents,
We have had another busy week at school. We have had a go at making pictures using tangrams and enjoyed creating things out of recyclable household items/junk modelling. We enjoyed a Science experiment of adding food colouring to frozen ice spheres and looked at the effect it created on the ice. We predicted what might happen to the ice over the course of the day and we observed carefully at different times to see what was happening. We continue to practise our songs for the Nativity play and are even including some Makaton signs.
Please send in the costumes for the play by Tuesday 3rd December in a named bag. After a dress rehearsal at school, your child will bring their costume home on Monday 9th.
Things we need…
If you have any empty cereal boxes, inner cardboard tubes, egg boxes, or other cardboard boxes, we would love them so we can carry on with our junk modelling creations. Thank you!
Reading Books: Your child will now be coming home with a reading practice book (wordless or with CVC words) every Wednesday. Please bring the book and Reading Record back on Monday. We need the phonics books back on Mondays so we can continue our group reading in class. Thank you!
Practice Book Reading: If your child is bringing home a book with words in, they may still be decoding some of the words and this is OK. There are lots of ideas in the front and back inside covers of the books. If your child is bringing home a wordless book, talk about the pictures, for example: what can they see? Can they find a c-a-t? What noise does a cat make?
Here are some things you could be doing with your child at home…
Please continue to check out Tapestry for daily videos from Beccy and Hayley. If you search #phonics you’ll find all the videos!
Yesterday your child will have come home with a sheet of this week’s phonemes.
The sounds for this week are ‘th’, ‘sh’, ‘ng’ and ‘nk’.
Please practise them together. You could cut them up and stick them around the house, then go for a hunt to find them. When you find them, say the sound!
This week’s tricky words are ‘she ’, ‘push’, ‘he’, ‘of’. Please practise these with your children as these words will be appearing in the reading books.
Dates for your diary
- Tuesday 10th December – Christmas Nativity
- Tuesday 17th December – St Mary’s carol service
- Wednesday 18th December _ Christmas lunch
- Friday 20th December—Last day of term
Useful Reminders
Now the weather is colder please make sure your child is coming to school with a cardigan/jumper and a warm coat. A woollen hat, scarf and gloves is a good idea too.
Please make sure your child has a water bottle every day.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Reception team.