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JTLYK 15 November

Dear Parents,

We have had another busy week. On Monday we learned about Remembrance/Poppy day and why this is celebrated and remembered each year. The children made poppies to wear and we observed a minute’s silence while we thought about the armed forces from long ago and those now who help keep our country safe. We also learned about the famous artist Yayoi Kusama. The children learned that she liked to paint pumpkins with dots. We created our own pumpkin art in the style of Yayoi Kusama and painted dots onto our pumpkins and squashes. Thank you for bringing some in!

Reading Books: Your child will now be coming home with a reading practice book (wordless or with CVC words) every Wednesday. Please bring the book back on Monday. We need the phonics books back on Mondays so we can continue our group reading in class. Thank you!

Practice Book Reading: If your child is bringing home a book with words in, they may still be decoding some of the words and this is OK. There are lots of ideas in the front and back inside covers of the books. If your child is bringing home a wordless book, talk about the pictures, for example: what can they see? Can they find a c-a-t? What noise does a cat make?

Here are some things you could be doing with your child at home:

Please continue to check out Tapestry for daily videos from Beccy and Hayley. If you search #phonics you’ll find all the videos!

Yesterday your child will have come home with a sheet of this week’s phonemes.

The sounds for this week are ‘v,’ ‘w’, ‘x’ and ‘y’.

Please practise them together. You could cut them up and stick them around the house, then go for a hunt to find them. When you find them, say the sound!

This week’s tricky words are ‘and’, ‘has’, ‘his’, ‘her’.

Dates for your diary

  • Tuesday 10 December – Christmas Nativity
  • Friday 20 December—Last day of term

Useful Reminders

Now the weather is getting colder please make sure your child is coming to school with a warm coat.

Please make sure your child has a water bottle every day.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception team.