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JTLYK 8 November

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was so lovely to see you all at Parents’ Evening this week. It was great to chat about the children’s progress.

The children participating in Bikeability had a fantastic time! They shared some helpful tips: wear gloves, ensure your saddle is at the right height, and check your gears, brake and tyres.

Have a great weekend,

Danni, Jo W, JJ and Jo P Danni, Jo, Kathryn, Julia, Catherine and Mark.


In English this week, we’ve been polishing our sentence-writing skills by focusing on commas and conjunctions. We also “up-levelled” sentences by adding adjectives, adverbs, and clauses to make them more engaging.

Ask your child how they would up-level this sentence: The elephant drank the water.


This week, we tackled the challenge of learning the long division method. The children have shown incredible resilience and determination with this complex strategy. We'll keep working on it next week!

Try asking your child how to find the multiples of larger numbers. For example: What are the multiples of 16?

Coming up


Bikeability will continue next week with the next groups.

You should have received an email indicating which group your child will be in. Please ensure your child brings a fully functional bike and helmet to school during their Bikeability week. Bikes should be brought in on Monday and will remain at school throughout the week. They will be securely stored in the locked school building overnight and taken to the undercover area each morning for training.

The children should wear appropriate clothing during their Bikeability week. They do not need to wear school uniform, but please check the weather – the Bikeability team will conduct training regardless of weather conditions.


Rehearsals are underway. Please remind your child to check the schedule on the Year 6 notice board (outside 6K’s classroom) for when they are needed.



This week, we have been recapping the short ‘o’ sound and how it is represented in letters.

solitary, equality, correspond, yacht, trough, octagon, foreign, conscience, curiosity, opportunity

Learn these ready for a quiz on Monday 11 October.

Homework Project

This is a gentle reminder that the children should be working on their Adaptations Project.

They are due in on Monday 25 November.

We are decreasing the homework each week. This week, there was no SPAG homework or Text Talk Homework. The children should use this extra time to work on their projects.

