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JTLYK 11 October

Dear Parents and Carers

We all enjoyed our Harvest Assembly on Wednesday and the children were very excited to deliver their contributions to the Chapel. Thank you again for being so generous!

Please can we ask that children now bring a named coat/raincoat as appropriate each day. There are outdoor activities happening during the week that require proper clothing.


This week, we learned about ‘fronted adverbials’ and how to use them at the beginning of a sentence with a comma at the end. Can your child explain how an adverb affects the verb in a sentence? In English writing, we looked at ‘organisational devices’ that help us to write recipes. These devices include heading/subheading, bullet points, numbered instructions, illustrations and layout. We used our skills to write ‘Iron Age Recipes’ and practised using imperative verbs to write clear instructions.


The children have been practising using column addition to add 2, 4-digit numbers together including 1 and 2 exchanges. We used place value charts to illustrate what happens when one of the calculations adds to 10 or more. The importance of neat and tidy lay out, 1 digit per square, was seen to be essential for accurate calculations!

Times Tables

We have been learning the 6 x tables this week and have recorded them in our blue books. Please make sure these come into school each day in your child’s backpack. Here are some useful websites to help make learning fun! Remember to help your child do the TT Rockstars challenge this week!

Daily Ten (click through to level 4 multiplication and try the mixed table activities)



TT Rockstars (help your child to log on for 10 minutes, maybe three or four times a week)



This week, we have been studying the long ‘U’ sound and all its representations. The children have a sticker in their Spelling journals, but here are the words for this week:

few, used, through, threw, popular, continue, group, fruit, particular, February.

Remember, Tracey’s group do not have to learn the class spellings.


This week, we have been looking at what can and what cannot be shared on the World Wide Web (puppies and sandwiches cannot, photos, films, music, books, website links, games ….. can). We then had a great time exploring the Chrome Music Lab, using the ‘Kandinsky’ game to compose our own wacky music!


As well as using our knowledge of Iron Age lifestyle to write recipes in English, we have been learning about hillforts. The children thought about where they would build their own hillfort settlement in the hills around 500BC Guildford. They then made detailed labelled drawings naming ramparts, ditches, wooden palisades and gates. Can your child tell you what buildings might be found in one of these hillforts?