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JTLYK 20 September

Dear Parents and Carers

What a fantastic week we have had, exploring, discovering and learning about early Britain! The children enjoyed the brilliant Butser trip where they experienced clunching (ask your child what the different is between this and daubing), copper jewellery making, spinning and creating mosaics. The staff were fabulous and very knowledgeable. We fully immersed ourselves in ancient British life and, when sitting quietly in the roundhouse with the fire roaring, we felt like we were living in the Iron Age! On our Buddy Day yesterday, apart from meeting our new Year 5 buddies and designing an obstacle course in the woods, we tried out our flint toolmaking skills! It was much harder than we thought it would be and gave us newfound respect for our ancient ancestors.

In maths this week, we looked at what happens when we add or take 1, 10, 100 and 1000 with a four digit number. We used counters and dienes to help us visualise the problem and were reminded of the ‘exchanging rules’ when the number we are dealing with is a 0 (place holder).

In English, we wrote our own Tripadvisor reviews for our trip to Butser. We included facts and our opinions and gave a star rating out of five.

Times Tables (Drop-down please)

We have been learning the 3x tables this week and have recorded them in our blue books.


Daily Ten (click through to level 4 multiplication)



TT Rockstars




This week, we have been studying the long ‘E’ sound and all its representations. The children have a sticker in their Spelling Journals but here are the words for this week:

piece, peace, heel, heal, peculiar, ordinary

complete, breathe, various, believe

Remember, Tracey’s group do not have to learn the class spellings.