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JTLYK 20 September

Dear parents and carers,

In maths this week we have continued to look at the value of digits in numbers. We partitioned numbers in different ways before learning to write numerals in words.

In English, we continued to practice writing sentences using nouns and adjectives whilst making sure we used a full stop and capital letter.

In Art, we tested out some watercolour techniques as well as revising primary and secondary colours and how to mix them.

Some helpful reminders and dates for your diaries:

  • Reading books and Reading Records have now been sent home. Can these please be returned to school every Thursday and they will then be sent out again on Friday with a new book.
  • Please make sure you write in your child’s reading record each time they read to you so we can keep track of their reading at home - thanks
  • We have a Fire Safety visit from the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service on Wednesday 6th November
  • Fluffy Friday – Friday 18 October
  • Half term – Early finish on Wednesday 23 October at 1:15
  • Harvest assembly – Tuesday 8 October
  • Individual photos – Tuesday 1 October

School Council, Eco Team and House Captain Representatives

Next week we will be holding a vote to select our Year 2 Eco Team reps as well as our Houise Captains and School Councilors. This was announced in assembly today and lots of the children are interested in applying for these roles.

In year group assembly next Thursday, we will be inviting children who would like to apply to say a few words in front of the year group. They can keep it very simple and are more than welcome to bring some notes if they need them. Jonel and I will of course be with them to offer support and encouragement.

We have suggested they say their name, what role they are applying for and, if they’re feeling brave, they can say why they are applying too.

We are very much looking forward to holding our first democratic vote!

Meet the Team Slides

Thank you very much to all those who attended our Meet the Team evening on Tuesday. Please see the attachment below for the slides we used.

St. Paul’s

Our date for our St. Paul’s trip has now been confirmed!

We will be heading up to London on Wednesday 18 November.

If you are interested in helping on this trip, please email your child’s class teacher.