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JTLYK 20 September

Dear Parents and Carers,

We’ve had another jam-packed week in Year 5! The children have impressed us with their focus and hard work in all subjects. We had a great time in the chantries and the children were kind and thoughtful towards their new buddies.

In Maths we have looked at ordering numbers as well as rounding numbers up and down to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to play the fun game we sent home for homework and have challenged your child to beating their score.

For English we have been focussing on writing a descriptive diary entry which captures the sights and sounds of the setting for the Firework Maker’s Daughter.

In History we have been exploring the War of the Roses and the beginning of the Tudor period.

Have a look at the spellings we have covered this week and ask your child about different ways they could learn their spellings.

Have a great weekend!

Team 5—Kayleigh, Scarlett and Helen

Important dates

Monday 14 October 2024 – Tower of London (1630 return)

PE Days

  • 5H – Monday and Friday
  • 5S – Thursday and Friday
  • 5K – Thursday and Friday

Homework Schedule


Handed out 

Taken in 





Spelling Test 




Introduce new Spelling 




Practise Spellings 



Reading Record 



Reading Record 


Handwriting with spellings 

Accordion Title

This week the focus is on the phoneme (sound) /a/. There will be a spelling quiz on Monday.  

  • Astronomer 
  • Flammable    
  • Clarify 
  • Anglo-Saxon  
  • Natural  
  • Abandon  
  • Guarantee       
  • Happen 

Challenge: Can you find other words with the /a/ sound?