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JTLYK 20 September

Dear Parents and carers,

The children have had a busy week of learning—it certainly feels like we are in the full swing of Year 6 life!

Please make sure you have filled in the consent form on ParentPay for our trip to Wisley Gardens on Friday 27 October.

Have a great weekend,

Danni, Jo, Kathryn, Julia, Catherine and Mark.


Continuing our study of the book ’Holes’, we have been creating an information page about the yellow-spotted lizards. We had to find key facts from the text and then use a mind-map to sort our ideas into different categories. We had fun thinking of interesting sub-headings for the categories, such as, ‘Home Sweet Home’ and ‘What’s on the Menu?’


We have been focusing on addition in maths, including reviewing mental methods. At the beginning of the week, we focused on our understanding of negative numbers. We then used strategies for mental addition. This could include using number bonds, rounding or partitioning.

We have also worked on applying our understanding of the formal method of addition. We consolidated the column method and applied our knowledge to some tricky problems and games. Ask your child to teach you the ‘Nice/Nasty’ game!

Coming up…

Friday 27 September – Trip to Wisley Gardens

We will be heading to the wonderful Wisley Gardens on Friday 27 September. Please make sure children have a packed lunch and full water bottle. Children will need to wear school uniform on this trip.


We’ve been really pleased to see that most of the children are making the step up with homework and managing their workload very well. Please check that your child is completing their homework ready to hand in according to the timetable above. Remember, we don’t expect the children to spend more than 20-30 minutes on each piece. 


This week, we have been recapping the long ‘i’ sound and how it is represented in letters. 

sacrifice, environment, diversity, multiply, multiplied, rely, reliable, maximise, rhyme, frightened 

Buddy Day at the Chantries last week