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JTLYK 20 September

It was great to meet you all at the Meet the Team meeting on Tuesday. Thanks so much for coming along to find out all about Year 1. We have put the slides onto Tapestry so that you can see the information we shared if you weren’t able to attend.



We’ve been busy learning about our senses this week. We used this Scavenger hunt in the Year 1 garden. If you are able to get outside this weekend, why not try it again!


One of our favourite lessons this half term involves teaching the children to prepare their healthy snacks. We taught the children to use kitchen tools such as a peeler, a grater and a lemon juicer. The children were very grown up, using the tools carefully and they loved tasting the fruit and vegetables that they prepared! Well done Year One!

Phonics and Reading

Please see this link to find out more about phonics and how to help at home.

Rain coats every day

Thank you for all the named coats that are coming into school every day.

Things to practise at home

Putting socks and tights on and off has been tricky this week. Please ask your child if they would like to practise at home. Thank you!


Half term 1.15 pm Wednesday 23 October to Monday 3 November.

Help with supplies!

We are enjoying the Year One areas greatly and would love to make them even better! If you are able to donate any bedding plants, small shrubs or bags of compost we would be so grateful! Please just bring them along to the playground at morning or afternoon drop off/pick up. Also, we need more sand for our new and huge sandpit so if you’re able to bring along a bag or 2 or sand we’d be thrilled. Thank you!

Oak Class Windows

Finally, a tiny plea for your support. The children in Oak class are finding it very distracting and a bit upsetting to have parents and grandparents peering into the Oak class windows in the mornings and afternoons before and after school. Could we please ask that you stand a bit further back and try not to look in at your child so that other children don’t feel left out and unsettled. Thanks again.

If you have any questions feel free to email us. Emma (Beech) on Emily (Oak) on

Have a great weekend,

The Year 1 Team