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JTLYK 20 September

Dear Parents,

The children have had a wonderful week in school. However, they are really, really tired after a week of full days. We’d suggest a quiet weekend so that they are well-rested for next week. Please do send your child to school with a named coat/rain jacket as the weather is changing.

This week we have started maths lessons, the children have been subitising to 3. Subitising is being able to say an amount by looking at arrangements of objects without counting them individually. This is something you could do at home by saying what you see. e.g. on the walk to school when passing refuse bins, what do you see? I see 3 bins. Or at the park, what do you see? I see two swings and one slide. Remember don’t count, just say the amount!

Thank you for coming to our ‘Meet the team’ evening. We hope you found this informative and should you have any further questions please contact us.

We are in need of your help! We are looking for a class rep for both Hazel and Willow class. A class rep is the teacher’s first point of contact should they need messages to go on the WhatsApp group. Please contact Jo or Hayley if you would like to take on this role. We really appreciate your support.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception team.

Class Pets 

We have introduced our class pets this week. They will go home with one child every Friday for the weekend. Please return the pet by the following Thursday at the latest, ready for the next child to take home. The pet will come home in a bag with a book. Your child could draw some pictures, write words or stick in some photos to show us all the exciting things your child and the class pet have done. Please don’t feel any pressure to do anything elaborate on this weekend. The pet could listen to a story, sit with you for lunch or play. It doesn’t matter what activity you do, the children enjoy telling the class all about it. Hazel class pet is called Sid. Willow class pet is called Fred. If you have any questions just ask Hayley or Jo.

Other bits and bobs

Here are some things you could be doing with your child at home…

Check out Tapestry for daily videos from Jo and Hayley.


Can you join in with Jo and Hayley? I wonder what will be in the box? Have a go at saying the new sound, can you teach the new sound to one of your soft toys or even a family member?

Yesterday your child will have come home with a sheet of this week’s phonemes. Please practise them together. You could cut them up and stick them around the house,

then go for a hunt to find them. When you find them say the sound! The sounds for this week are ‘s’, ’a’, ’t’ and ’p’.