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JTLYK 13 September

Dear Parents

Thank you to all of you who came along to the ‘Meet the Team’ last night, it was great to finally meet you all and we look forward to working with you this year!

Butser Trip

We are excited about our trip on Monday. Looking at the weather forecast it looks dry (fingers crossed!). Remember, if your child does not want to wear costume, they should wear school uniform. We will leave school at 9 am and will return for 3.30 pm to avoid the rush hour at school.

Costume Suggestions


In maths, the children have worked hard to extend their knowledge of place value, looking at the flexible partitioning of numbers and estimating where different numbers go on a number line. In preparation for the MTC (Multiplication Timestable Check) in June next year we are diligently practising our times tables several times a week. Each child has their own little book to use for practising at home and this should come in to school each day. Have a look at these websites to help make the learning a little more exciting!


Daily Ten (click through to level 4 multiplication)


We would also highly recommend using TT Rockstars on a regular basis. The School subscribes to this website and each child has their own log in. If there are any problems logging in, please get in touch with your child’s teacher.



In SPaG we learned how to use interesting adjective noun phrases by adding a ‘determiner’ – ask your child if they can tell you what this means! We then used our skills to write a descriptive paragraph about ‘Lathrin Island’ as it features in our class reader, ‘The Way to Impossible Island’. The children were very excited to write up their work with handwriting pens on framed paper for display.


The children discussed what makes them unique and what makes us the same. We then made a fingerprint tree to show that together we can celebrate our friendship with each other.


This week the children have loved our introduction to ‘invasion games’ by playing capture the flag. They enjoyed the team work and competition!

Remember, on Wednesday this week, 4SJ will be swimming!


Continuing our exciting topic ‘Invaders’, we learned about the Stone Age. The children learned about the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Ages. Can your child tell you what these words mean? The children were fascinated to hear about ‘Doggerland’ and how we became ‘homo sapiens’. They thought very carefully about the significant change from a hunter/gatherer, nomadic lifestyle to settlements and farming and how Neolithic humans adapted and developed. Today we looked in detail at Skara Brae, a Neolithic settlement in the Orkneys.


This week, as we do at the beginning of every year, we talked to the children about internet safety and how to stay safe online.


This week we gave out the weekly spellings that should be learned at home. We will test them at school on Mondays, however this week, will do it on Tuesday! The words this week are:

eight, display, break, brake, rain, rein, plane, plain, straight, favourite

Please make sure that your child brings their orange spelling book into school on Mondays!

Important Dates

  • Butser Ancient Farm – Monday 16th September (packed lunch required)
  • Year 4&5 Buddy Day – Thursday 19th September (packed lunch required)