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JTLYK 13 September

We have had a great week in Year 1 and the children have been amazing at learning the new routines and expectations of Year 1. A particularly fun lesson this week was DT where we started our project on designing a healthy snack by tasting lots of delicious fruit and vegetables! The children impressed us all and were so adventurous!


An important date coming up is our ‘Meet the Team’ evening. You are invited to come into school to meet the Year One team and hear all about the year ahead. This will take place on the Tuesday 17 September at 7pm.

Please send rain coats every day.

We still have just a handful of children who aren’t bringing coats in every day. Please can you send your child in with a waterproof rain coat every day.

We will start our trips to the Wild Place in the near future, and we will make muddy trips to the field in the meantime, so please send your child in with some wellies which they can keep at school.

Naming clothes, shoes and coats!

We would be so grateful if you can continue to name every item that comes to school. The children don’t recognise their own belongings once they are busy at school so naming everything really helps! Thank you!

Things to practise at home

Some of the children are very independent and can use a knife and fork. Most children can take their own jumpers on and off easily. Please help your child to practise if you can and let us know if your child is having problems with these skills or any others that you notice they are struggling with.

Class Pets

Both Beech and Oak class have a class ‘pet’. Beech have an elephant named Bubbles and Oak have a puppy named Pebbles. Each weekend a different child (picked at random) will bring the class pet home with a book in which they can document their time with the class pet. Feel free to include pictures, or just do some writing about their weekend.

If you have any questions feel free to email us. Emma (Beech) on Emily (Oak) on

Have a great weekend!

The Year 1 Team