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JTLYK 13 September

Dear Parents,

The Reception children have really settled into school well. We have had a lovely week of mornings and are looking forward to having the children in school for full days next week. Please remember that they’ll be very tired, even if they have been used to full days at nursery before starting school. We’d suggest a quiet weekend so that they are ready for next week.

This week we’ve introduced classroom routines. We’ve started dough disco to help with our fine muscle control. We’ve introduced a ‘7 days of the week song’ and a class calendar to support early maths. We’ve also taught the children our mantra “Choose it, use it, put it away!” We’re really hoping this will help with tidying up.

PE lessons will start next week. Please ensure that your child’s PE kit is labelled and in a PE bag – this will stay on their school peg during the week. The PE kits will be sent home at the end of term for a wash.

We’re looking forward to meeting you again at our ‘Meet the Team’ evening on Tuesday 17th September, starting at 7pm. If you have any questions before the ‘Meet the Team’ evening, feel free to email Jo (Willow) at, or Hayley (Hazel) at

Have a lovely, restful weekend!

The Reception team

Dates for your diary

  • Monday 16 September - All children in full time 8:30am drop off and 3pm pick up
  • Tuesday 17 September - Meet the Team Evening 7pm