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JTLYK 6 September

We have had a lovely week getting to know your children. It is amazing how well they have settled into life in Year 6!


In English we have started reading the book Holes by Louis Sacher.

The children have considered the setting description and started their English books with an illustration of what they think Camp Green Lake might look like.


We have been building on our key number sense this week looking at place value and comparing large numbers.

Next Week

Monday 9 September - Surrey Schools Project

All children will need a packed lunch on Monday. Please ensure you have completed the form sent out by the office.

Friday 13 September - Chantries Buddy Day

On Friday we will be spending the day at The Chantries with our Year 3 buddies. The children will need to be dressed in their PE kit with a waterproof jacket. As we are out all day, the children will also need a packed lunch and full water bottle.


We will start giving out homework next week.


Our spellings this week are:

dehydrate, indicate, spectator, unplayable, explain, explanation, stable, relate, eliminate, neighbour

Please help your child to practise them before our spelling test on Monday.