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9 September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers, 

The week began with our whole school INSET when I was ceremoniously handed the ‘HTPD Leadership baton’ - what a privilege.  It’s been great to meet everyone in school this week – the children, staff, parents and dogs too. Thank you all for such a warm welcome, it really has cemented my initial thoughts on what a wonderful school community HTPD is. It’s been wonderful to see the children in their new classes, excited to be back in school and learn. The “zest for learning and love of life” is clearly evident across the school. I hope your child has enjoyed their first week and has settled into their new class and school routine well. 

It is not just the children and me who had ‘first day of school excitement’ on Monday; this week we have welcomed a number of new families and staff to the HTPD team: Lydia Pope (classteacher to 3L), Kathryn Thomas (teacher to 6K), Jan Appleton (teaching assistant at PD), Tilly Cray (Clubs+ & PUPs manager and also a Year 3 TA) and Mark Slater and Sofia Khimchuk who are embarking on their exciting journey of teacher training with us. I am sure you will join me in welcoming them to the team, as we learn the ropes and a lot of names together! 

As you will have seen, an awful lot of work has taken place at school over the summer. It was an enormous undertaking to get the work completed over the summer break; however, the RAAC remedial work at the infant school is now complete, and the cabins have been removed from the junior playground. Whilst the cabins were fantastic and facilitated the safe continuity of high-quality education for the infant children, welcoming everyone back to the Pewley Down site has been joyful. The logistics and technical work involved in the project have been complex; I would like to extend our thanks to the Diocese, project consultants and contractors, staff and Governors who have worked throughout the summer to ensure the school would be ready for opening this week. Unpacking and returning the school to its former glory, in just two days, was a mammoth task for the Pewley team. The staff have worked tirelessly this week to ensure the learning environment was ready and welcoming for the children. I can't thank the team enough for their efforts, diligence and good sense of humour throughout the week - the weekend will certainly be well deserved! 

Please do come along to our Meet the Team events (HT next Thursday 12th at 7pm for Years 3-6 and PD on the following Tuesday 17th for Years R-2). These events are so important for you to hear all that lies ahead for your child, how best you can support them at home, and ways for you to get involved in school too. We really do rely on your partnership – and it’s a great way to meet your child’s teacher too.  

A final note from me, being outside in the morning to greet everyone is always a highlight of my day; the ‘traffic warden’ part of the role less so. One quick plea - it’s really important that we keep the roads around school safe. We operate an informal one-way system at drop-off and pick-up, with traffic coming down Semaphore Road past Pewley from Pewley Hill at the top. Then to reach the juniors, we drive along Pewley Way and into Addison Road. It’s best to keep clear of Cline Road as it’s really impossible to turn around when it’s busy. Please do remember not to park in private roads or car-park spaces (including Pewley Bank and Addison Court), or across driveways, on double yellow lines and never on the zig-zags. With so many children walking or arriving by bike, we really must keep speeds below 20mph and be extremely careful not to block pavements or reduce visibility for pedestrians to safely cross roads. Please try to park up some distance away and walk for the last bit – it’s a healthy, safer and more pleasant option. Thank you! 
I hope that you have a lovely weekend, and we look forward to seeing you for the first full week back on Monday. 

Best wishes, Vicky

Thought of the week: 

A very fitting verse written on the ‘HTPD Leadership baton’: 

‘Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me...’ 

Philippians 3 v13/14 


A reminder that children need a coat in school every day.

Nut-free school

Please remember that we are a nut-free school. This is to ensure that any children with nut allergies are safe when they’re in school; at the juniors, please remember that children should only bring healthy fruit or vegetable snacks for their morning break (no crisps, chocolate bars or anything with a wrapper to reduce litter and stay healthy) and please check that packed lunches don’t contain nuts of any kind.


Teacher-led clubs: Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the teacher-led clubs (Construction and Games & Puzzles) on Monday, 9 September owing to the Year R home visits.

Meet the Team, Tuesday 17 September, 7.00pm: An opportunity to meet the staff team and hear about the year ahead (see Vicky’s letter above).

PE Kits: Children should bring their PE kits to school on Monday and leave them on their pegs for the half term.

Year 2 swimming: ParentPay will be available for swimming payments from next Monday 9 September.

Children’s pants and socks: If you have any outgrown or no longer needed pants and socks (girls and boys) we would love to have them for our spare clothes cupboard.

Menu: week 2 beginning 9 September


Dates for the Diary

  • Monday 09/09/24 Y6 Visit to Surrey Schools Project
  • Thursday 12/09/24 Meet the Team for Parents/Carers
  • Friday 13/09/24  Y3 and Y6 Buddy Walk
  • Monday 16/09/24 – 3N Swimming lessons start
  • Monday 16/09/24 – Y4 Butser Ancient Farm visit
  • Wednesday 18/09/24 – 4SJ Swimming lessons start

Autumn Term School Clubs – please follow this link for the Autumn Clubs and see the ParentMail for detailed information, 

Please note the start date of the clubs – some clubs are starting next week 9/09/24, but a few will start the following week beginning 16/09/24.  

Parentpay: For all new starters; activation letters will be sent home Monday 9th, please check school bags.

Please note that the below trips are now live on  Prompt payment would be much appreciated:

  • Year 4SJ Swimming £80.50 – payment due date by 15 September 2024
  • Year 3N Swimming £80.50 – payment due date by 15 September 2024

Menu: week 2 beginning 9 September


Happy start of the new school year! We hope that your little ones are settling in well!

As we welcome in the new school year, we are in the sad situation of having no PTA Quorum across HT and PD, with all roles from Chair(s) to class rep needing to be filled ahead.

We cannot stress enough how key these roles are to benefitting our school and our children.  Without these volunteer positions filled, we will not be able to hold any fundraising events. This means no additional funding and resources, which benefit our children mentally, physically and emotionally. It would also mean no Christmas Fêtes, school discos, fun runs and the likes.

Items that have been purchased from funds raised at PTA activities over the past couple of years have included:

  • HT Sports Pitch
  • Laptops and iPads, Smart boards in the Classrooms
  • Numerous reading, maths and science resources
  • Playground and rainbow room equipment
  • Air conditioning for our hottest classrooms 

The list goes on! The school simply would not be able to afford any of these things unless we as a school community formed PTA’s to be able to hold fundraising activities.

Please please please have a think as to how you can volunteer your time and efforts to keep HTPD flourishing as it has been in previous years!

Deadline for volunteers is 10th September, ahead of the AGM on the 12th for Holy Trinity.  For Pewley Down it's 15th September ahead of the AGM on the 17th September. 

Links below:

FOPs (Pewley Down) -!/showSignUp/10C0E45AFAE28A6F4CE9-50237318-fops

HTSC (Holy Trinity) -

Thank you for your time and dedication to our schools!


Guildford Symphony Orchestra Family Concert, September 29 at 3.30pm in Guildford Spectrum and we would love your children to have this opportunity to enjoy a fun introduction to the world of classical music– see flyer below.

Multisports Guildford are now enrolling for the Autumn Term starting in September - Weekend Classes take place at St Peter's School, Horseshoe Lane East, Guildford. See flyer below.